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Bancroft Year 4

Happy new year!

Thank you all for your kind and generous Christmas wishes, cards and gifts!


Our class is named after Bronwyn Bancroft, an aboriginal artist and illustrator. Bancroft class have re-created the patterns used in aboriginal art through painting and writing stories that contain symbols only. 




          Important Information


Spellings-weekly-sent home on Friday and the children will be tested on the following Friday.

Maths and English homework will be sent out on Friday and should be completed and returned for the following Tuesday (should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.) 

Maths and English homework will usually be related to the work covered in class and should be completed in pencil, please.

Reading Books-children may change the book whenever they wish. However, once children start a book they are expected to finish it.

Children should bring Reading Records in to school on Mondays and Fridays for checking (your child may write their comment in the book after reading and parents should sign the books at least once a week.) 

PE is on Wednesdays. Swimming is on Mondays. 

(PE kit should be named and left in school). Children should have plimsoles for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor. 

Children to bring book bags in every day, please.

Enabling Enterprise challenge day

Roman Day

Roman Day included: looking at artefacts, playing Roman games, learning about medicine and lots of other facts. The children enjoyed dressing up as a Roman too!

Autumn 2 - 'Tribal Tales'

We have looked at changes in Britain from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.



Our RE topic has been 'giving'. We have talked about what giving means, without costing any money and without giving something visible. We have looked at the Christmas story and the gifts the Wise Men brought Jesus. Then, we made a gift box to choose a thoughtful gift for a baby and a gift box that contained an act of kindness inside.

Art and Design
Bancroft have made some incredible Stone Age houses out of clay and worked really well in teams to make these. Bancroft have also made different tools that would have been used during the Stone Age.



We have been learning about the life cycle of plants. Bancroft worked in groups to design a plant experiment. There were lots of curious ideas, such as watering the plant with lemonade, which actually made the plant grow mould. Here are the plants after one week...

Bancroft created a snakes and ladders game in pairs, by writing multiplication word problems on each section. They then had to play the game to work out the answers.
Autumn 1 - 'Potions'

Enabling Enterprise

During EE week, Bancroft class have been designing a new chocolate bar. They have worked in teams to decide which style, flavour, packaging and name is most popular with other children in the school. Based on this, they created packaging for their chocolate bar. Afterwards, the teams created an advert to persuade people to buy their chocolate, which they presented to the class.
Bancroft class have written instructions on how to make a potion and then had lots of fun making them.