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Anti bullying Week

This week we have had a whole school focus on the national campaign for Anti Bullying Week.  Bullying is a very strong and sometimes emotive word which needs careful exploration and discussion with children. From our experience, the way in which this can manifest itself with pupils of primary age is often through friendship issues. This topic which has been discussed in class circle times over the past week. In an ever changing world it is also important to be vigilant in relation to cyber awareness and e safety. Whilst our children are all too young to legally engage with social media, I am aware that some of our older children do have accounts on platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram. If parents make the choice to allow their children to engage with social media, it is vital to monitor the content of their interactions; who they are following and being followed by. It is also really important to be mindful that although children of 10 or 11 may have the technical knowledge and capabilities, they may not necessarily have the emotional maturity to deal with the content.

Please see our fact sheet on top anti-bullying tips for parents and carers which you will find on the "Parents", "Anti bullying" tab.

