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Year 5

Lowry Class' Stixx Chair

Y5 Go Ape trip

Science - Forces - Helicopter with working propeller drop

GO APE Year 5 trip on Friday, 23rd June.


- Hats!

- Sun cream

- Packed Lunch

- Own Clothes

Lowry Class will have a final topic to end an amazing Year 5: Scream Machine!


Looking at everything having to do with Theme Parks!


Live Joe Wicks Workout

Enabling Enterprise Week - In the News! June 5 - 9

Presentation from parents meeting regarding secondary transfer

Summer 1 Term


This term we will be looking into the following areas of study:

English and Topic: Time Traveler - Looking at the past, discussing the present and predicting the future.

PE - Swimming and Tag Rugby

Science - Forces

Spring 2 Science: Earth and Space
Lowry Class's Spring 2 Topic is, ''If... A Mind Bending Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers''.

By David J. Smith

Lowry Class February 2017
