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Alatise Year 3

Welcome to Alatise Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Rossiter

TA: Mrs Svensen




          Important Information


Spellings-weekly-sent home on Friday and the children will be tested on the following Friday.

Maths and English homework will be sent out on Friday and should be completed and returned for the following Tuesday (should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.) 

Maths and English homework will usually be related to the work covered in class and should be completed in pencil, please.

Reading Books-children may change the book whenever they wish. However, once children start a book they are expected to finish it.

Children should bring Reading Records in to school on Mondays for checking (your child may write their comment in the book after reading and parents should sign the books at least once a week.) 

PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

(PE kit should be named and left in school). Children should have plimsoles for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor. 

Children to bring book bags in every day, please.

Topics we are covering this academic year

Term 1-Potions

Term 2-Tribal Tales

Term 3-Burps, Bottoms and Bile

Term 4-I Am Warrior

Term 5-Blue Abyss

Term 6-Predator




New for 2019!!!!! 

Alatise Class Celebrations

Attendance Cup (8th March)


Alatise are proud to announce that they won the Attendance Cup last week. This means that our class had the highest percentage of children attending school for the previous week (in KS2).


Super 'Well Done'!

Alatise celebrate with the Attendance Cup! They also received a certificate for being so fantastic on World Book Day!

100% Attendance 

Keep attending school every day Alatise!

I wonder who will receive certificates from Ms Owen for 100% attendance in school at the end of the term!

This week Matthew Han and Jack Carter received Golden certificates for their fabulous learning

Golden Certificates

Each week, two children are chosen from each class, to receive a Golden Certificate. This can be for any number of reasons, where they have 'shone' in at least one aspect of their learning and or development.



Welcome back to summer term 1

New topic- Blue Abyss


This term, the children will be learning lots of facts about seas and oceans around the world. They will be finding out about the creatures and plants living in them, and as part of their learning experience, we will be visiting the London Aquarium on the 1st May. 

Spring Term 2

I Am Warrior



This term, the children will be learning about the Romans...

How it all started and how far the Roman Empire spread, who was who in Roman society, emperors, senators and slaves, Roman games, Roman numerals, architecture and invention

(the Colosseum, aqueducts and communal toilets), Romans in Britain (Hadrian’s Wall and fighting the Celts), food, clothing and daily life, the Roman Legacy and what is left to find today.

How to Make a Mosaic 

The children made clay pots and used their knowledge of mosaics to create a design to put on to it. They combined their learning by writing an instructional text to explain the steps they went through to do this.

LKS2 Roman Day Workshop-

Friday 22nd March

What an amazing day!

The children were visited by Tom, who taught them so much about the Romans.

He brought artifacts into the school for the children to look at, hold and try out (very gently)

The morning started with lots of games, where the children learnt about the Roman language, army, food, weapons and medicine.

In class, we will be reading Roman Diary: The Journal of Iliona, Young Slave by Richard Platt

The children wrote a play script about Iliona, the slave girl and her master, Gaius Martius. They practised reading the dialogue loudly and clearly and with expression. 

World Book Day 2019 !

Alatise and Malone Class were 'mixed up' for the day. They had an amazing time together, working on two different books.

In Alatise Class, we read part of The Tunnel by Anthony Browne. The children worked very creatively, in groups, to produce their own stories of what they found at the end of the tunnel.

Restorative Practice

During our learning, the children discussed how we could deal with incidences of undesirable behaviour (e.g. where someone might be annoying us at playtime, doing something that upsets us, etc.)

We talked about what could be done to resolve the problems, so that it doesn't continue.

Some of the children took part in a role play activity, which focused on such an incident, and 'performed' to the rest of the class. 

The children ended by designing posters for our poster competition (the winning design will be displayed around the school). 

Burps, Bottoms and Bile

This term we will begin our new topic learning about the digestive system.

Our chosen text for this topic is Shrinking Ralph Perfect. 

Science/English/Design technology


The children have been learning about the digestive system; how digestion starts from the moment food goes into our mouths. They have learnt what happens to food as it travels down our oesophagus, into our stomach, through to the small intestine and onto the large intestine.

The children have been using their knowledge broadly in a number of ways; by creating their own digestive system models, which are simply amazing! Also, they have used their digestive system knowledge creatively in their writing too. Their descriptive stories, demonstrate the wonderful progress they have made, particularly in using their grammar skills.     

NSPCC  Number Day


KS2 decided to do some learning around shape.

We read the book:

'Mummy Math...An Adventure in Geometry' 

The Zills family is summoned to Egypt to help find the hidden burial chamber of an ancient pharaoh. But when Matt and Bibi get trapped in the pharaoh's pyramid, they stumble upon an even bigger mystery. With only each other, their dog Riley, and the geometric hieroglyphics on the walls to help them, the twins must use their math skills to locate the burial chamber--and the way out. Luckily, Matt and Bibi know their stuff when it comes to geometric solids, and so will the readers of this adventure in math!  

Mummy Math

We looked at quite a few 2 and 3 dimensional shapes and discussed the names and properties of them. We talked about triangular based pyramids and how this is also known as a tetrahedron.

The children played a game where they had to guess the name of the shape from the clues. They soon realised that you have to be quite specific with some of them to be accurate.  

Making up their own riddles also proved quite tricky...a learning curve for many. This certainly got the class thinking.

The children went on to investigate the similarities and differences between some of the 2 dimensional shapes.

Finally, the children  looked again at the shapes of the faces on the nets of 3 dimensional shapes and what they looked like after construction.

Today was most definitely an adventure into shapes for Alatise Class!

LKS2 Showcase -'Tribal Tales'

(a study of Stone Age to Iron Age) 

The children in Alatise, Riley and Bancroft Classes were very excited  as they showed off their work from our last topic.

We began celebrations with some of the children reading out their Stone Age Diaries.

After a while, all the children delighted in showing their parents, grandparents and carers pieces of their work from their English and Topic books.

They talked enthusiastically about the tools and houses they had made in DT and the materials they had used in the process. 

The children have been learning about the homes of people from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. During their Art and DT lessons,  they used their knowledge to recreate some houses.

Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day at Longlands 2018 !

Christmas 'Gift'

During our RE lesson, the children used a net to make a 'gift' box.

They wrote a special message to put inside...a gift they could give someone this Christmas...something special that they could do for someone!  

Alatise made their 'gift' boxes and wrote their messages

Autumn 2 'Tribal Tales'

Welcome to our Stone, Bronze and Iron Age Showcase!

You are all welcome to come along to a viewing of the childrens' work on Friday 11th January, 2019. This will take place in the School Hall at 2.30pm and will end at 3.10pm. 

Our new very exciting topic is based on a study of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age


During this topic, the children will plan, then use a variety of different materials to make homes and tools from this age.

The children will use their grammar skills, historical facts and their imaginations to write a story based on the Stone Age.  

Tate Photographer Visits!

Last Friday, Alatise and Riley Class were very excited as they took part in a fun photography session organised by, amongst others, Turner Prize and Oscar-winning artist, Steve McQueen and Tate Galleries.The children were lucky enough to take part in the production of the largest group portrait ever made with the intention of creating ‘an epic picture of our city’s pupils and our rich civic diversity’. Photographs taken of the children will be used to form a huge exhibition of tens of thousands of Year 3 pupils across London. The photographs will be on display for six months next year in the Duveen Galleries at Tate Britain! 

Before their photograph was taken, the children were involved in different activities, one of which was 'freeze framing'. All the children enjoyed this...'freezing' during the session to show their angry, sad and happy faces. 

Childrens' Author Visit


This week, Jack Trelawny came to visit Longlands

Alatise Class were particularly excited about the visit and were absolutely enthralled, as he told the children that his stories start off as very simple ideas, that he gets from his own life experiences. 

Alatise Class are now very keen to 'get going' on their Stone Age stories, which they are just about to begin.

Jack Trelawny and Alatise Class in Longlands School Library

Enabling Enterprise

During Enabling Enterprise week, the children have had great fun with 'Crunching Numbers', where they have created their own chocolate bar and researched the world of advertising in order to advertise their product.  

They have worked hard, being creative in teams, sharing their ideas and have stayed positive throughout the week's problem solving activities.

Making Potions

The children have been making potions...

we have used the opportunity cross-curricular...

for investigating in Science, looking at the effects of baking powder, washing up liquid and oil in mixtures.

In English, the children have worked hard in their writing to describe their potions using conjunctions, adjectives and imperative verbs.  

Autumn 1 'Potions'
