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Malone Year 5

Welcome to Malone class!

Teacher: Miss Childs

TA: Miss Wright

Key information:


Monday: Please bring in spelling books, times tables books and reading records to be checked. Spellings to learn will be uploaded on Mondays.


Wednesday: Please return homework books by Wednesday, to allow enough time to mark. 


Friday: Please ensure children come into school wearing their PE kit and are able to take out earrings themselves. 

Homework will be uploaded on Google classroom. Please complete homework in homework books. 


Children are expected to read for 20 minutes a day and then complete a quiz on Accelerated Reader at home, when they have finished their book. 


Please note: We need to keep our windows open during the day for ventilation, so it may become a bit chilly at times. Please can I advise that children have layers e.g. vest under shirt and a jumper, to keep them more comfortable in the classroom. 

Cool to be kind week

During English lessons, we wrote a letter to persuade someone else to be kinder, thinking about what the world would be like if everyone was a little kinder. We also made 'Get well soon' cards to be taken into a hospital, to give to patients who are unwell. We had to think about what message would make them feel happy and grateful. 

Autumn 2 - Revolution

Our focus this half term is on the Victorian era: Victorian inventions, school life, jobs and more. 

We took part in a Victorian Day of learning. Children and teachers were dressed up, ready for a day at a Victorian school.

We all took part in Drills that were completed everyday instead of PE. These included formal exercises: marching on the spot, arm swinging, bending. These were designed for children to learn to follow instructions and improve their health.

Victorian handwriting was quite tricky, but we thought it looked beautiful! No elbows on the table and sitting up straight was a must!

Teachers were very strict and children were expected to speak only when spoken to. Telling lies, being rude or lazy could result in being hit by the cane. Not understanding something would result in wearing a Dunce’s hat and standing in the corner. This hat said ‘dunce’ on it, meaning stupid.

Our Maths lesson involved comparing our money system (that was introduced in 1971), to the money system used in Victorian times.

For science, we worked in teams to construct a tall and sturdy bridge, based on the famous engineer, Brunel (1806-1859).



Victorian Day

Autumn 1

Our topic for this half term is called Identity (ID).

In Science, we have been learning about inheritance and adaptation. 

During Art, We have created self-portraits, with half of the face showing what we look like, and the other half showing what makes us who we are e.g. our hobbies. Malone class loved creating these!

We have started reading "There's a boy in the girls' bathroom", which the class have got stuck into! They enjoyed coming up with descriptions of the main character, Bradley, including how other characters see him and what evidence there is from the book.

Our focus for Maths is place value up to 1 million. 


Our class artist

Our class has been named after Kate Malone, who is famous for her ceramics focusing on nature. 


Malone class learnt how to make clay pots using their imagination and a coil method. This involved rolling clay into a sausage shape (coil) that were as thick as our thumbs. To join the coils together, we gently scored the coils and brushed a small amount of water onto them. Next, we carefully smoothed the layers together with our fingers to make sure there were no cracks or gaps visible! To make our pot wider, we added longer coils and to make our pot thinner, we added shorter coils. We had to persevere and adapt our design when our original ideas did not work.


