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Bancroft Year 4

Welcome to Bancroft Class
Teacher | Miss Black
TAs | Mrs Bishop & Mrs 

Bancroft Class are inspired by the vibrant work of Australian born artist and fashion designer Bronwyn BancroftListen to her beautifully illustrated story, Shapes of Australia here

Important Class Information


Hello Children, Parents and Carers!

A big welcome to Autumn Term 1 in Bancroft Class.

Here are some key things to make a note of for this school year.

  • Our PE day this term is Friday, and that children should wear their PE kit to school on this day.
  • Homework will go out via Google Classroom and work should be completed in the homework books. Bancroft's homework will go out on Friday, for completion and return by the following Tuesday.
  • Spellings will also go out on Friday and children will be tested on the following Friday.
  • TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) has now resumed for learning times tables, and children will be tested on Fridays also.
  • Children should read for at least 20 minutes every day at home so that they make good progress. Please can you ensure that Reading Records are kept up to date with comments on the children's reading and that they are brought into school every morning.
  • Accelerated Reader will start up very shortly for children to take quizzes on the books they have read. The children will be able to continue to take the AR quizzes at home. 

Accelerated Reader

Don't forget to take your Accelerated Reader quizzes at home using the following link:

Make sure you use capital letters when you put in your username and passwords. You can also check that there is a quiz available to take on AR by going to Your username and password have been written into the first page of your Reading Records. 


Please make sure you read books for your understanding (using the range given to you).

Statutory Spellings for Years 3 and 4

Welcome to Our Classroom

Just a note to say...

In line with the Government guidance, Bancroft's classroom windows are being left open during the day to aid ventilation, in order to keep our bubble's air as clean as possible!
Unfortunately with the changing weather this does mean our classroom can be chilly, particularly first thing in the morning. Therefore, please can I advise that children are always sent to school with something warm to wear, in the form of a school jumper or cardigan. Your child may also feel more comfortable with a vest or white top under their school shirt. 
Thank you for your understanding. 

Miss Black

Active Mile

Exercise is important for good physical and mental health. On Tuesday afternoons, Bancroft class take part in an active mile as a way to increase the amount of physical activity undertaken by the children during the school day. Children can walk, jog, run or skip - they just have to keep moving! The children love challenging themselves to increase the amount of laps they complete each week! 

Here are some useful links to help you to learn at home!

In addition to Times Table Rock Stars and Accelerated Reader, children may like to explore the following sites to support their learning. 


Top Marks (Hit the Button) 


Maths Frame - Telling the time


BBC Bitesize


BBC Teach, Super Movers
