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Weiwei Year 6

Welcome to the wonderful world of Team Wei Wei!

Teacher: Mr Allen

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bishop

We spent some time discussing what makes a great team and produced a Team Wei Wei flag that represents the key aspects. We also looked into the artist our class is named after, Ai Wei Wei. We researched some of his work and made our own sculptures inspired by his fantastic pieces of art. We looked in particular at his sculpture depicting the refugee crisis and linked this to our discussions on team work and us being 'Team Wei Wei.'

Key information


We will be having PE on Thursdays and Fridays.


Spellings-weekly-sent home on Monday and the children will be tested on the following Monday.


Maths and English homework-sent out on a Wednesday and should be completed and returned for the following Monday.


Maths and English homework will usually be related to the work covered in class.

Skills Builder

We have been enjoying our skill builder sessions this term. Our topic has been construction counts and we have been looking at what things are important to a community when building. We have set goals and aimed high while taking part in group activities and have designed an accessible and sustainable building to solve a problem a community may face; such as lack of homes or lack of exercise. 

Super Scientists


During our recent Science topic of 'Electricity' we designed our own burglar alarms to protect the crown jewels in the Tower of London! We had to think about how the alarm would be activated and how we could build a circuit that includes buzzers, lights and a switch. Once we had designed our alarms, we had a go at constructing a working scaled model of it.

Masterful Mathematicians 


We have been working so hard in Maths this term. We have been studying place value, arithmetic, coordinates, translation and using the four operations to solve problems with fractions. Recently, we had a go at combining all we have learnt to solve a variety of challenges. Have at look at our pictures to see how we got on!

Kindness Week


As part of our fantastic Kindness week, we discussed what we could do to spread kindness and cheer people up. We decided we would write notes of kindness and attach them to Metro newspapers at Sidcup Station! We thought this may bring some joy to those on their commute. We even had some responses from the public who had got in touch with the school to tell us how much they appreciated our notes!
