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Weiwei Year 6

Welcome to Team Wei Wei!


The children have made a fantastic start to life in Year 6. I have been so proud of them. We have spoken a lot about the fact that they are role models for the rest of the school and they have all really taken this on and have been fantastic at setting a good example for everyone else.


Please see attached 'Meet the teacher' document which outlines the expectations for Year 6 as well as key information.


I am looking forward to what I know will be a super year!


Mr. Allen

Our Class Artist


We had a great time learning about our class artist; Ai Wei Wei. We learnt all about the difficulties he has faced just to be able to produce his wonderful art work. We were so inspired by the messages behind his work and we wanted to create our own work to do with things we found important. 

Journey to the River Sea


Our text this half term is Journey to the River Sea, by Eva Ibbotson. We are really enjoying Maia's adventures so far and have been doing lots of work around what we think she might be thinking and feeling. Have a look at the photos below of us 'hot seating' (this is where we pretend we are a character in the story and then ask questions to that character)  and role playing conversations between characters.

Power of Reading

Kindness Week

What a fantastic week we had! We were doing our best to spread kindness like confetti. We made some cards or gratitude for local businesses and delivered them to the shops on the high street thanking them for all that they do. 


Corey’s Rock


In English, our core text was ‘Corey’s rock’ by Sita Brahmachari which is a sensitive story about bereavement, grief and new beginnings. This is set in the contemporary setting of the Orkney Islands and links to a cultural myth of Selkies, which are Seal People, from around the coasts of Ireland and Scotland. Through this book we explored characters’ emotions through the illustrations and the text. We researched the Orkney Islands and created engaging persuasive travel brochures/leaflets. We were whisked away into the main character’s vivid dreams and wrote a setting description based on the senses. Finally, we stepped into the character’s thoughts and feeling by writing a postcard and diary entry.


Science week

To celebrate ‘British Science Week’, we became engineers by undertaking a bridge building investigation with our partner class so that we could have some mixed year group collaborative learning. This activity was designed to get the children thinking about the connections between weights, forces and measures. Using paper and a small amount of tape to make a bridge, the children were allowed to cut, roll, or fold the paper to make a stronger structure. We then tested them and reflected on why some bridges were more successful than others. We had a wonderful time being Scientists!

Sponsored 'Bunny Hop!'


We had such a great time hopping, skipping and jumping and raising money for the school!
