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  • Danny Lawrence Visits Longlands

    Fri 27 Feb 2015 Miss Foley

    Today the whole school were fortunate enough to be visited by one of Britain's top rhythmic gymnasts, Danny Lawrence. All the children from year 6 down to reception started the morning with a fitness circuit consisting of four exercises. The circuit although tiring was great fun and the children were fantastic at supporting one another and cheering each other on.

    After every class had completed the circuit the whole school was called back to a special assembly where they had the chance to watch Danny Lawrence perform some of his amazing gymnastic moves, which were spectacular to watch and an amazing experience for all the children to see a professional athlete doing what he does best.

    After his performance the children were invited to ask Danny Lawrence questions about his career and I was extremely proud of the sensible questions the children came up with and how interested they were to learn about what inspired Danny Lawrence to become an athlete.

    The whole morning was a huge success and enjoyed by children and staff alike, but please remember this was a fundraising event and all children received sponsorship forms to take part in raising money for the school. 70% of the money raised by the children will go towards buying new sports equipment for the school and the remainder will go back to the company 'Sports for Schools' who use the money to support upcoming athletes with their training.

    A big well done to everyone who took part and don't forget to bring back your sponsorship money by Friday 6th March!

  • Graded Good by Ofsted

    Fri 13 Feb 2015 Jane Ellis

    I am delighted to announce that Longlands Primary School has received a Good Judgment from Ofsted.  We will continue on our journey of improvement as we forward plan to address the areas for further development highlighted in the report.  To view the report in full, please refer to the Ofsted tab on the website.

    Janice Owen, Head Teacher



  • Newsletter - 13th February 2015

    Fri 13 Feb 2015
  • Tuessday February 3rd

    Tue 03 Feb 2015 J. Owen

    Dear Parents and Carers

    School is open today as usual.
