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  • Inclement Weather

    Tue 29 Jan 2019 Mrs Pearce

    If we were to experience a bout of heavy snowfall it is fairly likely that not all the staff will be able to get into school (very few live walking distance away) in which case I would be forced to close the school. Please do not telephone the school. My decision whether or not to open the school during heavy snow/ice is decided, in the main, by how many staff can get to work. Staff cannot phone through to me if the line is constantly engaged. We aim to keep the school website updated regarding school closure and have a link to OPENCHECK on the home page of our website Parents without internet access can telephone 0208 408 7508 and enter the school’s Dfe number 3032049 to get the school closure information. We will make every effort to make a decision by 8am in the morning.

    Miss Owen.

  • Newsletter 28.01.19

    Tue 29 Jan 2019