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Alatise Year 3


Teacher - Miss Pugsley

TA - Mrs Rimmer

 Statutory spellings for years 3 and 4

These spellings will be learnt across the two years

Alatise Class are inspired by the Nigerian born artist, poet and writer Peju Alatise. 

Important Class Information


Hello Children, Parents and Carers!

A big welcome to Autumn Term 1 in Alatise Class.

Here are some key things to make a note of for this school year:

  • Our PE day this term is Thursday so children should wear their PE kit to school on this day.
  • Homework will go out via Google Classroom and work should be completed in the homework books. For our class, this will go out on Friday, for completion and return by the following Tuesday please, at the latest. 
  • Spellings will also go out on Friday and children will be tested on the following Friday.
  • TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) has now resumed for learning times tables, and children will be tested each Friday.
  • Children should read for at least 20 minutes every day at home so that they make good progress. Please can you ensure that Reading Records are kept up to date with comments on the children's reading and that they are brought into school every morning (I will take a look and sign on a Monday).
  • Accelerated Reader will start up very shortly for children to take quizzes on the books they have read. The children will be able to continue to take the AR quizzes at home. Books can be chosen by children from our classroom book corner as well as reading any books you have at home.

Welcome to our classroom!

PE Term 1 - Rugby

Year 3 are learning about rugby this term in PE. To start us off, we played a fun game of tag rugby on the field. The following week, the children watched a video of the New Zealand All Blacks performing the 'Haka' before playing a match. They came up with their own moves and shared their performances with the class. There was lots of energy and enthusiasm and lots of scary faces!! 

Potion Making!

As part of our Potions Topic, the children created potions from materials such as paints, food colouring, washing up liquid, gems, and glitter. They looked at their designs and thought about they could create the colour, texture and consistency. They has lots of fun making these magical potions! 

I Am Warrior


The children have been very busy with their learning on Google Classroom! 

They have learned all about the Romans, starting with the Celts in Roman Britain. They created their own timeline of important events and looked at the spread of the Roman Empire using Google Earth to identify a number of the key locations. 

They have also found out about Roman soldiers, including their equipment, clothings and their daily life. For English, they have written letters, a diary and an advert. They created a shield in DT the week before and created an eye-catching poster to encourage people to buy their product. They were challenged to create a persuasive video too! 

In Science, the children have built on their knowledge of plants with a focus on the function of each part of a plan.

We had a fun Roman Dress-up Day to celebrate our topic, where many of the children enjoyed showing off the wreaths and shield they had made in Art and DT lessons. 
