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Britto Year 5-6

Teachers: Mrs Harris and Mrs Mattin

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Rimmer

Britto Class!

WOW...Christmas is coming soon and the weather is getting's a cosy time to learn in school and in our class rooms.crying

It has been a blast learning how to create amazing newspaper reports. As you are aware, our topic is the Tudors. The children have been captivated by our class text, Treason, and as a result they have created some epic reports! 

In maths we have had a fraction frenzy...fractions are part of our everyday life and we need to see how relative they are...our work on this continues.


Good day to you all,


well...what can we say other than, what a fabulous first week back! We have enjoyed so many learning opportunities together, it's been just...simply...THE BEST!

In maths we spent many maths lessons looking at budgeting as well as needs and wants in best to spend our money? So many interesting opinions and ideas bought forward.

We costed a Tudor banquet to fit in with our Tudor topic and then looked at how we would budget/invest/save for our future!

To top the week off we had visitors from the bank Northern Trust.

"I am learning so much about money and how you can spend it"

"money can be stressful"

"I never realised money involved so much thinking"

These were just some of things said by the children, amongst many other statements! I think what is fair to say is that they learnt an awful lot...just ask them!

Thank you to Northern Trust, we hope to work with you again.

Here is to another fabulous week...



Mrs Harris and Mrs Mattin :) smileynoheart

What a wonderful start to the New Year we have had!

It has been truly wonderful to see so many of your return for the New Year with a smile on your face and a great energy for learning...long may it continue!


Miss Laughland has been a great addition to our class this term and we have all enjoyed her warm smiles and eagerness to get 'stuck in' and be a part of Britto class.




Internet Safety Day Tuesday 5th February 2019!!!


We will be discussing and understanding ways to stay safe on the internet.


The internet is an amazing place to be creative, chat with friends and find interesting fun stuff. You may spend a lot of time online, so it’s important to make the most of it and enjoy it whilst also being safe, sensible and respectful to others too.


Online friendships

Try to think of your online world as an extension of your offline friendships. Include friends in your activities, it can feel just as hurtful to be left out of online games or chat as offline ones. Be careful how you word things too, sometimes the written word can be misinterpreted. So whether it’s emails, texts or posts, be considerate to how they may come across. Save your important conversations, like resolving conflicts, for face to face meetings.

Be respectful

Be respectful of your friends on social media. Don’t post photos of them they might find embarrassing without asking first – and take them down straight away if someone asks you to. Try to be mindful of how your posts will make people feel before you put them up. You’ll care about what other people post about you – so be courteous to others too.

Be aware of your digital footprint

Every time you go online you leave what’s called a digital footprint which shows others where you are and what you have been doing. So while posting pictures and videos is great for sharing with friends and being creative, always remember that once an image or file is online it’s likely to stay there forever. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see.

Think before you post

Social media and some websites are great for airing your opinions and making the world a better place. However, be wary of writing negative posts. Ranting on the spur of the moment might feel good at the time but you may regret it later. Instead, try to put your point across in a positive or neutral way, it’ll have more impact and shouldn’t cause offence. Always remember that when you respond to something someone’s said, there’s a person at the other end who has feelings, just like you do.

Know who you’re dealing with

Socialising online can be fun, it’s a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Lots of people only play or chat with people they know in person, and that’s a sensible approach. But if you do meet people you don’t know, use the same caution that you would offline. Always remember people may not be who they say they are, so be mindful about what you say about yourself. Keep chat general and if you are concerned that someone’s asking for personal details, then stop contact and tell a trusted adult. Never arrange to meet someone you only know online.


Think before you post....
