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Matisse Reception


The children in Matisse class have all settled in really well. Here are some photos of some of the things we have been doing.

Matisse Class have been learning about patterns. We created our own repeating patterns.

Reception have been learning about Autumn and how animals prepare for the winter. We had a visit from a pet Hedgehog!

During our Owl Babies topic we have been learning about measurement. We estimated how many owls would fit on the different sticks and used the language of short, shorter, shortest, long, longer and longest to describe the length of the sticks.

Matisse Class have been developing their writing skills. We imagined we were one of the owl babies and wrote what we would say in a speech bubble. Great use of capital letters and full stops!

In the class we have a Learning Journey wall. Each month work is added and the children can see how they are making so much progress all the time.

This half term we have had Mrs Ward teaching us for PE. We have been learning to do forward and bacward rolls.

During our Space topic, we made our own Rockets!

We coducted a Science experiement to see which objects let light through. The children were able to tell me if they were trasparent or opaque materials

Mathematics Mastery vocabulary

The children have enjoyed the start of the Spring term and have been exploring Forest School.

During our Winter topic the children have been playing with ice and observing the changes.

Our winter walk was a great opportunity for us to observe the changes that have happened from Autumn to Winter.

Skills builder Day! The children worked in teams to create their own Greetings Cards. They did a fantastic job!

We have been continuing to develop our Gymnastic skills in PE with Mrs Ward.

For forest school we made Bird Feeders and placed them in the trees. The children were so excited to go the following week and see the birds had eaten them!

Number Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up for Number Day. We continued to develop our understanding of Addition and Subtraction using Jelly Beans. This was linked to the book 'How Many Jelly Beans?'
