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Music is life itself. What would this world be without good music? No matter what kind it is.

Louis Armstrong American Trumpeter and Vocalist

An introduction from the Music Lead - Mrs Harris



This year, KS1 will develop their knowledge in music through a variety of topics. They will learn to differentiate between the beat of a song and rhythm by developing their rhythm skills with percussion instruments. The children will also start to learn about how musical instruments are grouped into musical families, whilst also learning how to identify which family an instrument belongs too.


KS1 will also develop in their love of singing by practising ways to develop how they perform as singers to give themselves confidence. They will also use music as a way to develop their English writing skills by spending time together writing a song. As classes, we will be dissecting how different songs are written and then have an opportunity to create their own lyrics and show off their creativity whilst also having a brief look at musical history and learning how some of their favourite songs came together.



All of KS2 will be looking at percussion instruments this year, with a specific focus on how to differentiate between tuned and un-tuned percussion. They will be looking at old and new percussive instruments to help develop their knowledge and understanding of the phrases. Their rhythm skills will continue to grow as we use Chime Bars to develop their ability to play more precisely and as a class. The children will also be looking at song writing this year through various methods. They will take skills previously learnt to write their own songs to a piece of music and will study different video clips with the aim of composing lyrics to fit the theme of the clip. Both upper and lower KS2 will have a recap of their singing abilities as LKS2 look at how to be more precise with finding the right note to sing; UKS2 will look at harmonisation.


Additionally, LKS2 will be looking at Music Theory this year by looking at different scores of music and considering how to identify notes on those scores, together with the length of the note. Meanwhile, UKS2 will be look at music history and specifically how society influenced the journey from the music of the last century to the music of the present day.
