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Kusama Year 2

6th June 2019 - Boggarts!


As part of our topic, ‘Enchanted Woodland’, we used the natural resources to create boggarts! We started the afternoon by discussing why trees are important. We went and hugged a tree, smelt and felt the bark and discussed our ideas and feelings. We did a tree rubbing to see the different textures of tree bark. Then, in a group, the children found a space on a tree and created a face in the clay, using natural resources, such as bark, flowers, leaves and moss. It was a wonderful afternoon and the children created lovely boggarts to put on the trees!

Our next topic is ...

Recommended book list...

Pirate Day - 24th May 2019


To celebrate the end of our 'Land Ahoy' topic Marc, Mitchell and Kusama, resplendent in pirate attire, enjoyed a day of fun activities. 


The children created messages to put in a bottle, walked the plank and found treasure on a pirate map. They then played 'collect the treasure' PE games. We finished the day with a suitably themed film, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! 


We'd like to thank you all for the effort made with the children's costumes - they all looked amazing! 

Pirate Day


Dear Kusama Crew (and parents/carers too...)

Please can anyone volunteer a little time to help run Kusama's stall, at the summer fete, on 29th June,  between 11am until 2pm?

Any help (children must be supervised by a grown up please) would be absolutely fantastic. As we are the best class at Longlands, of course we want to run the best stall at the fete!!

Please let us know if you can spare a few minutes and then we will create a rota.

Thank you in advancewink,

Mrs. Michie and Mrs. Cumpson




Dear parents/carers,

Please can I take a moment to say how incredibly proud I was of the quality of the research homework that has recently been handed in. The children had worked so hard on this mini-project and combined with their Easter homework, I felt this was worthy of a public mention!

We had a celebration session in class, where every child received a round of applause and house points and congratulations from myself and their peers.

Well done Kusama Crew xxxsmiley


Monday 4th March and Tuesday 5th March

A dramatic event took place at Longlands Primary School this morning. In the quiet area of the playground, there appeared to be an alien crash scene. There was a broken rocket, alien footprints and other weird and wonderful clues. The KS1 teachers were called out of assembly to assess the unusual debris that was left behind. The children became detectives to suggest who, what, why and how the wreckage came to be in the playground. Just WHO or WHAT might have landed there?

We used hot seating to discuss and develop ideas linked the crash site. The children were encouraged to use descriptive language, especially expanded noun phrases. We then created a class word bank, to help with the children’s incident reports. We focused on using our sounds to help with spelling unknown words and increasing our accuracy with the high frequency and common exception words.

27.2.19 - Bubbles!


We had a lovely afternoon out in the sunshine today! We were investigating the shape of bubbles and whether the shape can be changed by using different bubble wands. We started by making a round bubble wand using a pipe cleaner, which produced spherical bubbles. We then changed the shape of the wand and found out that the bubbles were still spherical. We saw larger bubbles, that started off elongated as we blew but as soon as the bubble was completed it turned into a sphere! 

KS1’s Muck, Mess and Mixtures Art Gallery

On Wednesday, 13th February, KS1 had the pleasure to welcome parents and carers to our amazing gallery experience. The exhibition was the chance to celebrate all the hard work and achievements at the end of our ‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’ topic.

The art on display included collages which were a representation of the recipes for our own marvellous medicines. There were also some fantastic bubble art paintings to liven the senses. The children were encouraged to act as guides and talk about the inspiration and media used for their wonderful creations with the visitors. Thank you for coming!

Art Gallery


Suggested Reading List

Tuesday 5th February 2019

Safer Internet Day

Mrs. Allen launched Internet Safety Day by leading a special assembly for Key Stage 1. The children were asked questions and had the opportunity to discuss and share how they might keep themselves safe on the internet. The children were given age appropriate advice on positive actions they should take. Perhaps the most important point was for the children to always check and talk with their adults when accessing the internet, especially if they are unsure about what to do or what information it is ok to share.

We then returned to class and in groups Kusama Crew produced some excellent posters on tips to help keep children safe when using the internet and what they might look for that would need an adult to intervene.

A really informative morning! Well done!

Friday 1st February 2019

Kusama had fun on Number Day finding and sharing interesting real life mathematical facts.

Did you know that bees store honey in hexagons or that in a class of 30 you are more likely than not to find two people who share a birthday, even though there are 365 days in a year?

The children worked in groups to create bright and colourful informative posters and then shared their facts in a group presentation.

It was a wonderful opportunity to bring real life mathematical facts into our classroom.

The children looked amazing in their mathematical themed costumes- well done everybody! smiley

Number Day 1.02.19