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Thomas Year 3

Spring 1 


In spring 1 we had a few very exciting days. First we looked at NSPCC numbers day. We based all of our activities around jellybeans and the children looked at lots of different maths skills including fractions and bar charts. We also dressed up in number outfits to celebrate the day.


We also celebrated online safety day in which the children watched a live lesson all about how to stay safe online. They then had to design a superhero to help them stay safe and also made a poster to help others. We had so much fun!

Autumn 2 African tales 


Our core text for Autumn 2 is African tales. During this half term we have done lots of work all about African culture. We made drums, sang songs and even learned a few dances! We had a very special visitor all the way from Ghana who came to teach us about his life and show us how they dance to traditional music. The children and I had a great time learning thanks to our special visitor!

Autumn 1 stone age 


During Autumn 1 the children were learning lots about the stone age. This was linked to our book pebble in my pocket. The children and myself dressed up as wonderful stone age people and learned all about the different foods tools and what it was like to live as a stone age person all those years ago. We could tell you so much about where they used to sleep, what they used to eat and even what they used to do for fun!

The children have made a wonderful start to life in Thomas class.

Here is some information regarding what we will be learning and some more general details.

Meet the Teacher Thomas class
