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Monet Reception


Key Information

PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Homework is given on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday.

Monet class go to Forest School on a Friday.

World Book Day! We had so much fun, we mixed up with Brtitto class (years 5 and 6) and we did so many different activities all about the book Quest bu Aaron Becker.

This week we had a drama workshop called 'Around The World' we travelled in a hot air balloon to different countries and later on in class we wrote about our adventures!

NSPCC Number Day

This week we made boats, we had to decide what we would use for the main part of the boat, we decided we wouldn't use paper or cardboard for the bottom because we thought it would get wet and soggy. We tested our boats and then adapted them if we thought we could make them better.

Today we made bird feeders for the birds. The children worked in pairs to first roll a cardboard tube in jam and then in bird seed. They had to ensure the whole tube was covered. They then needed to decide together where to place their bird feeder when we went to Forest School.

Gymnastics! The children were working on forward rolls this week, they needed to remember to tuck their heads right down so as not to hurt their necks.

Winter Walk! We went on a walk around the school and in the park to find signs of winter. We noticed that the sun looked low in the sky because of the Earth's tilt, we noticed that it was very cold as we get less sunlight at this time of year, people were wrapped up warm, all the leaves from the deciduous trees had fallen off and now the trees were dormant. We saw some squirrels who do not hibernate and we talked about the animals that do like hedgehogs. We saw some birds like parakeets and magpies and pigeons but we know that some birds like swifts have flown away to warmer countries as have the butterflies. We saw some berries that the birds eat. Finally we saw lots of plants in people's gardens like buddleia, clematis and wisteria that have no flowers at all and we're hoping to visit them again in spring and see a burst of colour!

Superstars!!! Well done everybody on your fantastic performance! Have a wonderful Christmas! xxx

We had a wonderful time at Forest School on Friday- we made potions and soup, we investigated the minibeasts, we filled up the wheelbarrow with bark and began to 'fix' the path. After we all went on the trim trail and tried really hard to do it all by ourselves. It was a bit tricky but we didn't give up!

We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We read the story by Oliver Jeffers called 'Draw Me A Star' and thought about what we would like to do if we were able to catch a magic star. We sounded out our words very carefully and wrote what we would do. We made some mistakes but that's ok because it's all part of learning and the more you practise the better you get!

We have been exploring capacity. We found out that if a container has more space inside then it has a greater capacity. We tested two different sized socks to see how many conkers each one could hold.

The children have been working really hard to write words all by themselves by sounding them out and using their sound mats to help them find the corresponding letters.

We have been using our special bricks to make words containing the letters and sounds we have already learned. Can you write any of them at home? (Sat, pat, pig, dig, mad, tap)

Edith the hedgehog came to visit us! We found out that because she is not a wild hedgehog she will not be hibernating this Autumn. She was so beautiful and we learned that if she is cross or worried she makes her quills stick up and makes a funny noise. It was funny when she crawled inside the slipper!

The children have been trying really hard to write the letters s, a, t and p this week and have remembered what sounds these letters make.

This week we have been learning to create and describe repeating patterns. Have a look at some of the patterns we have made. We learnt that you can make patterns with anything, perhaps you could make some at home and then say; "The pattern is...." and describe it to your parents!

We talked about how we are all different and all beautiful. Some of us have brown eyes, whereas some of us have green. We all have slightly different shades of skin and different coloured hair and styles. The children looked closely in mirrors and then like real artists drew what they could see, look at our fantastic self portraits!

The children in Monet class have all settled in very well. They have been exploring the inside and outside areas and have been very busy making new friends.