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Miro Year 5-6


Topic Work

Below is a list of the topics that we are going to cover throughout this year. Underneath each topic listed is the book we shall be reading as a class to support our learning.


Autumn 1 - Beast Creator

The Imaginary by A. F. Harold

Autumn 2 - Zones

Holes by Louis Sachar

Spring 1 - Gallery Rebels

Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Spring 2 - World War II

Once by Morris Gleitzman

Summer 1 - Stargazers

Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce

Summer 2 - Blood Heart

Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman




                            Reading! Reading! Reading!


Hopefully, you are getting very busy reading. What could be better than sitting down and getting stuck into reading a great book.

Do remember to recommend a good book to a friend. Ask each other about the books you are reading.

Don't forget to create a talking bookmark for a friend before you pass a great read on!





     Welcome back everyone after a well-deserved break!


What a busy first half-term we have had and the next one is shaping up to be just as exciting and busy. 


We are kicking off with our Enabling Enterprise Week. This week we are designing and creating our own board games. 

Feel free to carry on creating at home too!



               Homework Reminders


Just as a reference point for everyone.

Both Maths and English homework will go home on a Wednesday and be due back the following Monday as a general rule.

Times tables and spellings will work Friday to Friday.


 Happy New Year

A very big welcome back to everyone!

It is hard to believe a new year is here.




Spring Term 1

Welcome back to a new term. We hope you had a lovely Christmas break.  Thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts. They were lovely and very much appreciated.


This is set to be a busy half term.  We have started our new topic-Gallery Rebels.  This will involve looking at different artists and how their art work changed the history of art (Impressionist artists/symbolism/surrealist artists).  The science linked to this topic will be 'Light'.


In English we have been looking at picture books and the structure of picture books.  The aim is for each child to produce their own picture books which can be shared with some of the younger children in the school.


All Parents/Carers are invited to come into school to look at the picture books that have been created.  This will take place on Friday 19th January, straight after school and we look forward to seeing you then.


Up to February half term the children in year 5 will continue to go swimming on a Monday afternoon with Mrs Cumpson.

                              Welcome Back 

It is lovely to see everyone back and ready to explore this new topic: A Child's War.


What a truly amazing book we have as our focus - Once, by Morris Gleitzman.

This captivating story is set in Poland during World War II where we meet a young Jewish boy,  Felix, and journey with him in his desperation to find his parents.


This is one of my personal favourite books and I am certain we are going to be enthralled as we travel with Felix together through his many adventures.


Swimming is still happening for our Year 5s on Monday afternoon until Easter.



We are working really hard to improve our spellings as a class.

Well done to everyone who has taken on the class challenge and is working harder at home and at school to do this.

Brilliant work!







                                    Summer Term Starts Here

          Welcome back to a new term and a very busy one at that!


Some key information

Homework Year 6 - to continue with reading books and working at our comprehension skills.


Homework Year 5- Science Fair Project

Year 6 is very welcome to join in with the independent research looking at earth and beyond.

This homework can be done independently or a group. All projects must be returned by Monday 21st May ready for the Fair.


Year 5 no longer go swimming on Monday afternoons.


We are developing our gymnastics skills on Thursday afternoons and so indoor PE kit is needed.






Firstly, an enormous thank you to everyone for all the hard work and support with our Science Fair Project.

What a fantastic job you did!

Thank you for going to the trouble of making it special.



A little reminder

First Monday back, that is Monday 4th June, we are off on our trip to the Royal Observatory Greenwich and this should be a fantastic day. There are lots of things planned for us to explore while there.

Do come ready for a great day out.
