Please take a look at this!
Below you will find Test 2 and the links to the videos.
Mr Lawless
Here is the timetable for the extra maths group. This will start next week.
Rich Maths
This could also be useful. The link below takes you to a playlist of level 5 questions / video tutorials. Try pausing the video at the start and see if you can answer each question before listening to the explanation. Make sure you make a note of which questions you have looked at, and make a note of any that you want me to discuss in class.
Mr Lawless
Maths Tutor Videos
These are SATs style tests with video explanations for each question. I would suggest that you print the test first and complete it. You can ask me to print a copy when we are back at school if you want me to. It will take you a long time to watch all of the video explanations so it might be better to focus on those questions you were not 100% sure about.
Mr Lawless
Please take some time to look at this over the next few weeks.
Mr Lawless
Please complete this task over half-term.
Mr Lawless