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Monet Reception

Welcome to Team Monet's class page!


Teachers: Mrs Allen and Miss Sheridan

Teaching Assistants: Miss Willis and Mrs Selvey



This will be set on Google Classroom on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. Please also ensure you read with the children wherever possible.


We will have PE on a Wednesday. The children need to come in to school every Wednesday wearing their PE kit.

Before we released our butterflies we wrote special wishes and read them out.

We searched for signs of Spring and found so many!

We had a wonderful time today listening to our visitor Emmanuel talk about how he had won a gold medal in the Commonwealth Games and is hoping to be competing in the Paralympics. The children listened really well in assembly while he talked about how important it is that you practise, never give up, listen to your teachers, eat healthily and get lots of sleep to be the best you can be at anything you want to achieve. We then had a great time in our PE lesson with him where he taught us a new game to play

Number Day 2024!

As part of Skills Builder we were learning about recycling and how important it is that plastic doesn't end up in landfill and in our oceans. The children sorted different materials into different bins, watched videos of pollution and designed gadgets to clean the ocean. They then explored how to clean up the 'sea' using nets, magnets and other implements. Finally in order to develop their listening, team work and presenting skills they worked together in small groups to come up with a team name, design and make a badge and then present their idea to the whole class.

We went to Forest School today and the children had a lovely time exploring the space and looking for minibeasts.

The children made pictures of their families using pebbles and other natural materials.

Repeating Patterns!
