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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Have you been wondering what Year 6 have been learning about in class?

Do you want to further your learning about an interesting topic?

Perhaps you simply need to find a link to a homework activity.

Whatever your need, this could be the perfect place for you.


Goodbye 6L

You have been a fantastic class and I will miss you all.

Be proud of all you have achieved this year and keep aiming high so you can come back to school and tell me how you're getting on.

Have a fantastic break.

Mr Lawless

19/6/15 SWAC Visit

13/5/15 Writing Task

22/3/15 This week's top Doodlers (20:00)


Alice becomes top Doodler this week in the country!

Click the link below to find out how many stars she has.

20/3/15 Current Top Doodlers

18/3/15 Here is a video on Prefixes or Suffixes by The Bazillions

Please note that the suffix '-ize' is often spelt '-ise' in the UK.

The leader board has changed! Here are the top Doodlers 17/3/15. Go Mrs Soper!!!!

Doodle Maths Weekly Winners 15/3/15 (20:00)


Doodle Maths

I will put up the leader board at 8pm. The totals have changed quite a bit! My total has gone down from 800 to 300.  I think it might be looking at the totals for the last 7 days. That means that any stars you received 8 days ago will not count.

I will send everyone any extra now. If you don't receive it you are not linked!

Mr Lawless



Mason has become one of the top five Doodlers in the country this week. Go to and then click on SCHOOLS to see his total.

I have applied for a certificate for Mason because he has over 1000 stars. When he gets over 2000 he can design an accessory!

Mr Lawless



Layout Devices (p66) and Writing Lists (p67)


Tricky Words Set 1


-Doodle Maths

-Test 6

Mrs Cumpson


Current Doodle Maths Leader Board 12/3/15 (17:40)

Doodle Maths Letter 10/3/15

Doodle Maths Weekly Winners 8/3/15 (20:00)


Doodle Maths

Have you spent all you stars buying new things for your character?

Do you want to know how many stars you have earned in total?

Just go to MY PAGES and then MY PROGRESS.

You can see your total number of stars on the left-hand side.

It is this number that will help you get on the leader board.

I will copy and paste the top Doodlers leader board every Sunday night at 8pm.

Mr Lawless


Maths Group

Please make sure that you can do the two sheets below.

If you are not 100% sure, watch the videos.

Note that the carried numbers are placed at the top rather than at the bottom on this video.

I would stick to the way we do it class.

Just make sure that the 'baby number' is small so you don't accidently add it at the end.

Mr Lawless

SLEP Long Multiplication

SLEP Long division

Top Doodlers - 7/3/15 (click to enlarge)

Mrs Cumpson and Mrs Soper have become 'Doodlers', and are determined to get on the leader board. Let the competition commence!


31 out of 44 children in Year 6 are already using Doodle Maths.



Commas in lists p40, Commas to join sentences p41, Comma Practice p46 and p47

Spelling - Word Work 14 - More Word Families


Section 2 Test 6

Doodle Maths

Mrs Cumpson



Off With Her Head

I am not sure if anyone has done this before!

Here is a rap version of Greensleeves.

Mr Lawless

Greensleeves - Ethan, Harvey, Lewis, Mason, Sonny A and William


Maths Group

Here is a video to remind you about prime numbers.

Mr Lawless

Prime Numbers Rap Typography (Math)


World Book Day

Here are some photos of children in my class working with the children in Year 3.

Mr Lawless


Doodle Maths

I am so impressed that so many of you managed to download the app last night and started earning stars.

The following children are currently our top star earners:


1st   William (103 stars)

2nd  Harvey S (81 stars)

3rd   Tobi (77 stars)


I have found out a bit more about how Doodle Maths is organised.


1. You need to complete so many assessment rounds of 7-a-day before other options are made available. I think it is about eight.

2. When you have, you will be able to click on 'New this week'. This will teach you something new and then ask you specific questions to check your understanding.

3. At any time I could send a specific task that I want you to complete. You will know that I have sent this because the 'Added Extras' icon will be illuminated. These must be completed and you will not be able to click on 'New this week' until you have.

4. If you want to work on something specific, you can search 'Topic Index' via the 'Grown Up' section. You need to click on the 'Go' link on the right-hand side.

Mr Lawless


Doodle Maths

Unique passwords have been given to all the Year 6 children today!



Competition Time

I have created a quiz using PowerPoint.. I think it might only work on a computer if you have MS Office. You need to run the slideshow and you should then be able to click on the right answer on each slide to automatically progress to the next one. The slides are not in order. There is a prize on offer for someone who manages to find the secret code.

Mr Lawless


Not quite sure what is happening here! Are these children getting their 5-a-day?


Visit to Hall Place

This trip was a really interesting start to our new topic and the children had a fantastic time! They found out what life was like for both rich and poor; they had the chance to make a candle from beeswax; they dressed up like a Tudor and even had a go at a traditional Tudor dance!

Tudor Dance

Still image for this video


Prepositions can sometime be tricky! Remember that prepositions can relate to position in space or time. This video might help you to recognise them.

Mr Lawless

"Preposition" by The Bazillions


Maths Group

Here is the BEDMAS video.

Mr Lawless

Colin Dodds - BEDMAS (Order of Operations Math Song)

BEDMAS is the Canadian version of PEMDAS/BIDMAS/BODMAS. The acronym is slightly different, but the order of operations rules are the same!


Maths Group...and anyone else who wants is interested!

I came across these 'Maths of the Day' activities and I thought they looked fun.

Mr Lawless 


I came across this today.

Mr Lawless


Here are the 4th Plinth winners from 6L. The idea was to make Scott's tent with a light glowing inside - representing hopes, dreams, aspirations etc.


Maths Group

I want you to watch this video over the half-term break. Please make sure that you are familiar with the mathematical terminology; we will be doing some work on transformations when we come back.

Mr Lawless

Colin Dodds - Geometric Transformations (Math Song)


Here are the spelling competition results.

Mr Lawless


Maths Group

Please complete these questions on brackets. If you are unable to print it out, you will need to ask me for a paper copy before this Friday.

Mr Lawless


Maths Group

I have included links below to some interactive activities. Please take a look at them.

Mr Lawless

3M's - Mean, Median and Mode Rap | Mister C


Literacy Group

Spelling - Word Work 11 - Week 21

Colons and semi-colons - p58-61


Section 2 Test 4

Mrs Cumpson


Literacy Group

Active and Passive Voice p24-26

Spelling - Word Work 10 / Week 20

Maths Group

Section 2 - Test 3

Mrs Cumpson




The ship 'Sub Zero', carrying 24 holidaymakers, has hit densely packed ice and is now lying on its side off the coast of Antarctica. Ice Station 54 have received the distress call and has only a few hours to save those on board.

Sub Zero - William

Sub Zero - Tom

Ice Station 54 - Isabelle


Literacy Group

Sentence Types p14

Paragraphs using adverbials p16

I have added an activity to TES SPAG on fronted adverbials.

Mr Lawless

Spelling - Week 19 Word Work 9


Section 2 / Test 2

Mrs Cumpson


The children worked really hard this week designing a new jacket for a polar explorer. They had to think of their USP (unique selling point) and make sure that it met the needs of an Arctic or Antarctic explorer. At the end of the week the children had to 'pitch' their idea to potential investors. Mrs Cumpson was very impressed with how the children engaged the audience and with the level of enthusiasm the children demonstrated for their product.

Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

Word Work 8 Week 18

Subject and Object p22-23

Maths Group

Section 2 Test 1

Mrs Cumpson


Science Museum Trip

The children in years 5 and 6 visited the Science Museum today. From the discussion we had when we returned to school, the children clearly had a fantastic time.

Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

Standard and Non-standard English p32-33

Spelling - Week 17 / Word Work 7

Maths Group

Revision Test 1

Mrs Cumpson

Arctic / Antarctic Song


Frozen Kingdom

Our new topic focusses on the Arctic and the Antarctic regions.

Mr Lawless


 Happy Christmas!

 Happy Christmas!

 Happy Christmas!

Mr Lawless

What is special about this Victorian Christmas card?


Literacy Group

Here is a checklist that I would like you to look at over the next few weeks. It would be fantastic if you could print it out and highlight anything that you do not understand. This will be much quicker and it will help me to know what we need to cover next term.

Mr Lawless


The children in the choir entertained a packed hall today with their fantastic Christmas performance. A particular well done to Saffron and Lottie for their solos.

Mr Lawless

Choir mp3.mp3


This morning the children went back to the Victorian era with the help of the Rainbow Theatre. Using drama the children discovered what it was really like! For some, I think the truth was a bit shocking and many of them now appreciate how lucky they are.

The children clearly enjoyed themselves and it turned out to be a really fun and engaging end to out 'Revolution' topic.

Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

p44-45 Commas for Extra Information

Spellings - Word Work 5 (Week 15)

Don't forget to look at the phrases and clauses work!


Maths Group

Test 12

Don't forget the mental maths tests!


Mrs Cumpson

Newton Faulkner Maths Quiz

Here is a new maths quiz for my maths group (and anyone else) to try to solve.


News Flash - You Heard It Here First!


Boy Discovers Musical Tie

Reports have just come in about a boy who has discovered that his tie has the ability to play music. Witnesses have said that they would not have believed it had they not seen it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears.


Other Shock News

Michael Morpugo has a cat!



Maths Group

Please try the activity below and make sure you attempt the different levels. Find the equivalent fractions with the lowest common denominator if necessary. You will also find comparing them to halves and quarters might help e.g. four ninths is a bit less than a half, four sevenths is a bit more.


Can I also remind you to practise the mental maths activities? Little and often will keep your brain super sharp!

Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

Phrases and clauses

Spelling - Word Work 4 - Week 14

Maths Group

Test 11

Mrs Cumpson


I would like to welcome Miss Scudder who is a student teacher from the University of Greenwich. Miss Scudder will be in for occasional days before and after Christmas and will be starting her block practice on the 19th January.

Mr Lawless


I would like to say a big thank you to all the children who helped me yesterday at the Christmas fete.

Mason was really rushed off his feet.

Sonny F discovered new talents to draw in the customers.

Amy was fantastic at keeping an eye on the float.

Lily-Rose made some really nice decorations.

Sam and Hollie were simply fantastic.

Thank you to anyone I forgot to mention.

Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

Here is next Friday's homework on phrases and clauses. I want you to look at these questions and try to work out anything that you don't understand. The answers are included so you can see if you are correct and also see if you can work out where you went wrong. It is really important that you make a note of anything that you are still not sure about.

Mr Lawless


Maths Group

I have added a link above for Mental Maths Boot Camp. You can do these at your own pace. Perhaps try to aim to have completed each test at least once before we come back after Christmas. Practice make...?

Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

Nouns p4 and Pronouns p11

Spelling - Word Work 3 (Week 13)


Set 10

Mrs Cumpson

The First Council of Queen Victoria by Sir David Wilkie


We looked at this painting this afternoon. Can you find any interesting facts related to this picture? Perhaps you might be able to find out something that will help us to understand it better. Be prepared to discuss what you have discovered in class.

Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

SPAG - 'able' and 'ible' on pages 82 and 83

Spelling -  Word Work 2 (Week 12)


I have added some activities on apostrophes to TES SPaG. There are a few children in my group who really need to look at these. Make sure you understand the questions and don't simply learn the answers. Perhaps you could explain your thinking to someone else!


Maths Group

Test 9



Victorian Slums


Today the children have been thinking about life in the Victorian slums.

In groups they then wrote and recorded a rap about the topic.

You can hear some of these below.

MC Lewis, MC Sonny F and MC Sonny A

MC Ethan (featuring DJ Harvey S and DJ Mason) - HEM


Maths Group

Did you like that maths quiz video today? If you did here are a couple more for you to try. Please try to avoid pausing the video; that would be cheating.

Mr Lawless

The Hoosiers Maths Quiz

Keane Maths Quiz


Literacy Homework

This week's homework is on paragraphs on pages 64 and 65.

Spelling homework is Week 11 / Word Work 1. TES SPaG has now been updated.


Test 8

Mrs Cumpson


Maths Group

I have added three new activities to iboard.

Please attempt all three levels for each activity.

Mr Lawless

A National School Assembly


This afternoon the children watched a live broadcast about remembrance from the Tower of London.

I was really impressed with the conversation I had with the children afterwards.

Clearly the assembly had really got them thinking.

Mr Lawless

Radio Podcasts


Enterprise Week

The children have worked in groups this week to create their own radio show / podcast. You can listen to some of these below.

William, Samantha, Sonny F and Isabelle - Advert

Alfie, Hannah and Harry - Advert

Daisy, Jacob, Lily-Rose and Tom - News and Sport

Lizzie, Sonny A and Megan - Advert

Alice, Bailey, Harvey, Lottie and Mason - Advert

Ben G, Ben R, Hollie and Maisie - Advert

Ethan, George, Izzy and Saffron - Advert


A huge thank you to all those children who brought in their homework, and a big well done to all those children who spotted the homework and are not even in my class!

I will give the rest of you an extra week because of Enterprise Week. Please hand the writing homework when finished, but keep hold of the maths homework and bring it in to next Monday's lesson.

Mr Lawless


Did you enjoy Enterprise Day?

How does Enterprise Week sound?

I know that you are really going to enjoy what we have planned for you!

Enterprise Week starts on Monday 3rd November.


Would you like to know what it is about?

Well... I'm not going to say; it would spoil the surprise.

Clue: It is related to the last thing I added to this page.


See you on Monday!

Mr Lawless

SOS (· · · – – – · · ·)


On our first day back at school it will be 108 years since they decided that the international distress signal should be SOS.

Radio operators would use Morse code (a way of representing each letter of the alphabet with a combination of long and short sounds) to communicate using special equipment.

What was the distress signal used before SOS?

What do the letters of the old and new distress signals stand for?

What happened when the Titanic sank five and a half years later?

I will talk about this on the first day back.

Mr Lawless


I came across a few videos about the Black Death. I thought that they might help my literacy group with their half-term homework.

Mr Lawless

Black Death from Ratatouille

Education Cartoons - The Black Death


Maths Group

Below you will find extra homework for the children in group C taken from the Maths Warriors website.

I will be really impressed if children in groups A and B attempt these!

Some of them are really tricky and you will probably need to ask adults for help. Just do what you can and make sure that you can explain your method for each question you attempt.

It might me a good idea to print the sheets, cut them in half and write the solutions on the back. Just bring in the ones you managed to solve after half-term.

Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

Click on the link below for details of your half-term homework.

This should be completed and returned on the first Monday back.

Mr Lawless


Pop Videos

The children in my class have had great fun this week making pop videos related to our topic for this half-term - Peasants, Princes and Pestilence. You can see some of these below.

Mr Lawless

Leigh-Ann, Lily-Rose and Megan

Still image for this video

Harvey, Mason and William

Still image for this video

Ben G, Lewis and Sonny A

Still image for this video

Hannah and Isabelle

Still image for this video

Ben R, George and Tom

Still image for this video

Hollie, Lizzie and Sam

Still image for this video

Alfie, Ethan and Jacob

Still image for this video

Bailey, Harry, Jacob and Sonny F

Still image for this video

The Canterbury Tales ("California Dreamin" by the Mamas and the Papas)

Here is an example of an old song that has been changed.
You might recognise some of the original middle English halfway through the song. It is from the very beginning of the Canterbury Tales.
Do you remember the 'rap version' we listened to in class?


Literacy Group

I have added a couple of activities to my TES SPag folder. One is on punctuating complex sentences; the other is on apostrophes for omission and possession.


My Class - Pop Videos

Please make sure that you have the right things for Monday.

Each group needs to have their music and a pair of headphones. All equipment should be clearly labelled.

Make sure that there is a karaoke version of your chosen song and that it is not too fast.

You also need information about your chosen topic.

It should be a good week and a great way to finish our topic - Peasants, Princes and Pestilence.

Have a good weekend.

Mr Lawless

FROZEN - Let It Go Sing-along

Could this song be adapted? Perhaps it could be Richard II singing about the peasants who are not very happy!

Pharrell Williams - Happy

Could you adapt this song and pretend that it is sung by Wat Tyler after his first 'successful' meeting with Richard II?


Maths Group

This week's maths homework is test 6.

Literacy Group

Literacy homework is on p17 - Linking Paragraphs Using Repetition.

Don't forsget to learn your spelling using the TES SPag link. Please also try to find some time to do the extra spellings on iboard.

Mrs Cumpson


Transport for London (TfL) Visit

William from TfL visited our school this afternoon.

He spoke to the year 6s about how to use the transport system and how to keep safe.


London Dungeons Visit

The children screamed!

The adults screamed!

The children screamed some more!

...but we survived our visit to the London Dungeons and had a fantastic time.


Mr Lawless


Literacy Group

This week there is only spelling homework. If you did not get the sheet you can easily work out the words if you go to the TES SPAG activities.

Could you please make sure that you look at the spellings on iboard? You should be regularly looking at these words. I will test you on these at a later date.

Can I also remind you about reading at home? I am aware that some children in my group need to be reading a little more often. You know who you are!

Mr Lawless

Press Release - Black Death Victims Found Under London Streets

Still image for this video
This week the children having been preparing a government report following a gruesome discovery. They also compiled a press release to warn / advise the public. You can see one of these above.


Peasants' Revolt Hits Longlands Primary School!

The children in my class re-enacted the Peasants' Revolt of 1381.

Wat Tyler was said to have ridden a tiny horse and this is exactly what we were given when we asked to borrow one from the reception class. With some trick photography, this did not present itself as a problem!

The king agreed to their demands, Wat Tyler was polite - but forceful ... and the peasants truly were revolting!

Mr Lawless and Mrs Cumpson


Literacy Group

This week's homework is on words with silent letters on pages 92 and 93.

Maths Group

Test 5

Mrs Cumpson


Medieval Day

The children in years 5 and 6 had great fun visiting different teachers today for three exciting activities.


1. Mr Osborn's 'Come Banquet with Me' was a great success and the children even learnt some calligraphy from an expert.

2. In Mrs Ward's 'Great Medieval Bake Off' the children made their own delicious medieval gingerbread.

3. In my classroom the children tried to piece together Richard II's family tree in 'Who Do You Think You Are - Richard II?'

Martin Luther King


Today we started to think about the confrontation between Richard II and Wat Tyler, and what they might have said to each other.

We looked at the very famous 'I have a dream' speech by Martin Luther King.

I have added an activity (including questions) to iboard which will tell you more about his life.

We will be looking at this in more detail in guided reading.

Mr Lawless


What is happening in this picture?

This picture is related to some work we will be doing next week.

Where it is? What is happening? What happened before and after this event?



This week's homework is on commas after adverbial phrases - page 43.


Please complete Test 4.

Mrs Cumpson


Enterprise Day

The children in Year 6 had an extremely fun (and rather exhausting) day creating their own lunar base. Working in groups, they used a wide variety of skills to make important decisions and create Utopia.


Who would they take with them?

Could they design the perfect animal to join them?

What would their lunar base actually look like?

Could they use their persuasive skills to encourage others to join them?


The children worked really hard and I am so proud of all they achieved.


(Don't forget that you can click on the image to make it larger!)


Mr Lawless

Infectious period of Black Death - Timewatch - BBC

Timewatch pieces together evidence from archival records to determine for long people were infected with the Black Death and, more crucially, how long they were infectious before they died. Fascinating clip from the Timewatch programme The Mystery of the Black Death.


Black Death Video on the BBC Bitesize Website

Please use the link below to view it.


Literacy Group

Present Tense and Past Tense p19

Past Tense with 'have' p21.

Mrs Cumpson



Maths Group

Please complete Test 3.

Mrs Cumpson

Aged Paper


My Class

Please don't forget your aged paper so we can start making our journals next week.

Mr Lawless


Mr Lawless' Literacy Group

We have just subscribed to a website called iboard. Use the link above to go directly to my folder. Please practise the spellings (note that there are several levels) over the coming weeks in addition to your regular spellings. I have also added some activities for you to check that you can punctuate speech correctly.

Mr Lawless


Bacterial Growth Investigation

I am not going to add any more pictures because the petri dishes have not changed that much.

Remember to put your observation sheets in your topic folders.

You are more than welcome to come to my classroom to see exactly how the bacteria have grown; however, you will need to be quick because an expert is taking them away very soon to analyse them.

Mr Lawless


Mr Osborn has added some photos of the children preparing the petri dishes. Click the link below to see them.


Bacterial Growth Investigation

Here are the photos for Day 5.

As you can see some have changed quite a bit.

Try to match the colours as closely as you can.

Mr Lawless


Bacterial Growth Investigation

Day 4

Here are today's photos.


Bacterial Growth Investigation

Here are the photos for Day 3.

I have photographed them against the window so you can see them more clearly.

Mr Lawless


Bacterial Growth Investigation

Good news!

Something has happened.

I will put some photos on this page later today...

...but please don't get too excited.wink

Mr Lawless


Literacy Set

This week's literacy homework is on apostrophes on pages 52 and 53.

Mrs Cumpson



I have added some activities to TES SPAG as well as this week's spelling activities.

Mr Lawless

Bacterial Growth Investigation


Maths Set

This week's homework is Test 2. This should be returned by next Thursday.

Mrs Cumpson 


Here are the pictures of the petri dishes for the first and second day - Thursday (Day 1) and Friday (Day 2).Nothing has changed so they are the same. Make sure that you draw the masking tape and arrow. I will put them in alphabetical order on Saturday and Sunday so I would suggest that you do the same thing on your recording sheet.

Mr Lawless



The Black Death was caused by a bacteria - a micro-organism that can only be seen under the microscope.

Perhaps you might be able to find out its name?


Today the children in years 5 and 6 started an investigation to find out about how bacteria grow. The children will need to record the growth each day on the sheet provided.


You can download extra copies of this sheet below.

I will take photos of the petri dishes over the weekend and add them to this page. These should be drawn on the second sheet.

Please note that there are only four petri dishes and the last one should remain blank.

It's a Mystery!

Who is this mysterious person?

When did he live?

What did he do?

How is the fictional character similar / different to the person he is believed to be based on?

You could try writing about this character / person in less than 100 words. I will put the best ones up on display!

Mr Lawless
