Our class artist is Bridget Riley. She is one of the best known names in op art, an art movement which uses optical illusions, wavy lines and black and white. We have already been creating illusion art of our own using paper weaving and lines.
A huge welcome to two new members of our class team:
Mr Bromfield, who will be working as a 1:1 TA in the class and Mr Pekri, who is a trainee teacher and will be working with us until March.
Important Information
Spellings-weekly-sent home on Friday and the children will be tested on the following Friday.
Maths and English homework will be sent out on Friday and should be completed and returned for the following Tuesday (should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.)
Maths and English homework will usually be related to the work covered in class and should be completed in pencil, please.
Reading Books-children may change the book whenever they wish. However, once children start a book they are expected to finish it.
Children should bring Reading Records in to school on Mondays for checking (your child may write their comment in the book after reading and parents should sign the books at least once a week.)
PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
(PE kit should be named and left in school). Children should have plimsoles for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor.
Children to bring book bags in every day, please.
The London Aquarium
We had a great time at the London Aquarium. We looked at all the creatures and wrote down any facts we could find out about them. We saw: sharks, turtles, tropical fish, jelly
fish and penguins. We were also able to touch a starfish in the rockpool area.
A huge thank you to all our adult volunteers!
Our New Topic this term is Blue Abyss. We will be learning all about the ocean, the creatures who live there and their different habitats. We will also be learning about the impact humans are having on our blue planet and what we can do to help.
Roman Day
We had a brilliant Roman day! All the children had fantastic Roman costumes and really enjoyed the activity packed day. In the morning, we became Roman soldiers and marched in formation, we also traded for food and drink. We discovered lots of artefacts and discussed what they would have been used for during Roman times. We also played lots of Roman games. In the afternoon, we learnt more about the Romans and we became Celts and re-enacted a battle between Celts and Romans.
World Book Day
The children had a wonderful day dressing up as there favourite character from a book. It was fantastic to see so many original costume ideas. Riley class mixed with Marc class for the book day activities. In Riley class, we read the story: 'Grandad's Island' by Benji Davies. We then created our own island with our partners and Riley class helped the children from Marc class to describe there own island. The children really enjoyed working together and we had a very fun book day!
Book Day
Number Day
To start off our number day, we read Mummy Math: An adventure in Geometry by Cindy Neuschwander. In the story, the characters are exploring a pyramid and looking at all the different 3D shapes. We discussed all the different 3D shapes that we saw and thought of all their properties. We then created our own shape riddles and tried to work out what shape our partner was describing.
We then worked in groups to compare two different shapes and described what was the same about the shapes and what was different. In the afternoon, we created a variety of 3D shapes using a nets. We then describe the properties of the 3D shape we had created to the class.
Number Day
In PE this week, we have been working on our gymnastic skills. We have been learning different types of balances and have been balancing on different equipment. We have also this term been working on forward rolls, backward rolls and cartwheels.
Making Stone Age Tools
This week, we have been learning about Stone Age tools. We have been learning how they used them and also how they made them.
We worked in pairs to create our own tools using paper mache.
Stone Age Homes
We have been learning all about the life of Stone Age people. Today, we were looking at the different types of homes Stone Age people lived in. We worked in teams created fantastic Stone Age homes.
Enabling Enterprise
Our challenge for Enabling Enterprise was to create our very own chocolate bar. We started by researching using surveys to find out what type of chocolate people enjoyed. We then used our imagination to create our own brand, slogan and chocolate name. We created packaging for our chocolate bars. At the end of the week, we presented our chocolate brand to each other. Overall, we had a fantastic week with lots of enthusiastic chocolate makers!
This week we have been making potions. We have been reading Oliver Moon and the potion commotion and have learnt all about the potions that he has been making. In English this week, we wrote instructions for how to make our potions and then we got really messy and made our own magical potions.
Potion Making
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