Please take a look at this test and note any questions you are not sure about. We can go through these over the next couple of weeks.
Here is the list of writing tasks that was given out last year.
Here is the KS3 mark scheme.
Please take some time looking at the following PDF. We will talk more about this in class.
Remember FANBOYS for coordinating connectives / conjunctions.
How are you getting on with the activities on this page? Remember to make a note of any SPaG questions you found tricky, and don't forget the timed writing. Make sure you write a list of things that you need to include (like we do in the margin) and give yourself more time to start with.
Mr Lawless
Please check this page frequently to see if I have added anything. I will always put new things at the top.
Take a look at these tests and make a note of things you do not understand. We can discuss these in class.
Mr Lawless