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Riley Year 3-4

Welcome to Riley Class !

Class Teacher : Mrs Rossiter

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Rimmer

Pre Easter Home Learning

New Maths Mastery Vocabulary

Summer Term

Summer term 

Topic 1066

Remote Learning

What have we learnt this term?



We have completed some amazing learning in all areas of the curriculum!

We have read the whole book I Was There by Jim Eldridge. The book is based on the events occurring in 1066.


We have covered some writing genres, including writing a job application (for a king), creating an advertisement (for a squire), not to mention, writing a play script (based on our class book).

Riley Class have also been working hard on their spelling, punctuation and grammar.



Of course, in order to complete all of this amazing work, the children have been learning some fantastic facts about 1066, where all the events took place (map work), The Battle of Hastings and the Bayeux Tapestry and some truly wonderful work on the features of Norman castles, where the children produced some fantastic fact files.


We have had some amazing work on nutrition, skeletons (learning which animals have endoskeleton, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons), and lots of information about bones and muscles.


This has been a continuation of our learning on the Islamic faith, where we have gone into greater depth with our knowledge on the Five Pillars and mosques. 

Bridget Riley

The children have already been busy learning about the artist which our class has been named after, Bridget Riley. She is famous for her special style of painting, known as optical art. Optical artists put colours, shapes and patterns together in clever ways to create an optical illusion. This can make an image look like it's moving! In class, the children have been re-creating some of her paintings. 


 Important Information



Spellings-weekly-sent home on Friday and the children will be tested on the following Friday.

Maths and English homework-sent out on Friday and should be completed and returned for the following Tuesday (should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.) 

Maths and English homework will usually be related to the work covered in class and should be completed neatly and in pencil, please.



In order to make good progress, children should read for at least 20 minutes every day

Books-once children finish a book, if they are reading a book where there is a quiz available on Accelerated Reader, then they should complete the quiz in school before choosing a new book. Reading books should be brought into school every day and then taken home at the end of the day.

Children should bring Reading Records in to school on Mondays for checking (your child may write their comment in the book after reading and parents should sign the books at least once a week.)


Don't forget to check how your child is doing on the Renaissance website!

Go to: 


PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays 

Swimming for Year 4 children is on Monday

(PE kit should be named and left in school). Children should have plimsoles for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor. 

Children to bring book bags in every day, please.

Topics we are covering 2019-2020

Urban Pioneers-Autumn 1

Gods and Mortals-Autumn 2

Misty Mountains-Spring 1

Mighty Metals-Spring 2

1066-Summer 1

Road Trip USA-Summer 2

Team Riley

Since we have been back at school, we have created our own 'Team Riley' flag, which includes the childrens' own ideas about the values they consider important in making our class successful this year in their friendships and in their work. 



Stretch Zone

We have also been doing some work where we have considered how we should move our thinking out of a comfort zone (where we 'coast' and find our learning pretty easy) into a 'stretch zone', so that we 'stretch' our thinking, pushing ourselves to understand or do something (challenging ourselves). The outcome being that Riley Class have each set themselves a target.

Maths Mastery Parent Pack Spring

Spring Term 2

Mighty Metals

This term, the children have been busy reading the book, The Iron Man.

In DT, they have chosen suitable materials to create their own Iron Man and they really are looking amazing. 

Visit to the London Science Museum

Years 3 and 4 had a wonderful time as we travelled up to the museum by over and underground trains.

At the museum, they were all very inquisitive, as they explored the Wonderlab, and they thoroughly enjoyed their workshop, 'Feel the Force'. 

Friday 13th March- Sports Relief

The children took part in keep fit activities to raise money,

Spring Term 1

Misty Mountains

This term, Riley Class have been learning lots about mountain formation and finding out about the major mountains around the world. They have carried out some map work, to locate continents and to identify the location of the mountains.

They have also carried out some research, to find out about the four types of volcanoes and how they are formed.

In DT, we will be constructing volcanoes with papier mache and in Science, we will set up an investigation, to discuss and observe how magma erupts from a volcano and how lava flows. 

In Science, we have also looked at environmental problems and the children are constructing a letter to the UN, to highlight the problems and to suggest changes.

In English, the children have written their own descriptive writing on a mountain walk. They have also been writing a diary of a mountain climb, where they have included information from research they have carried out about mountain climbing.

DT- Volcanoes

Having created their volcanoes, Riley Class carried out an experiment to see what happens when we mix some chemicals together. We put bicarbonate of soda and vinegar into the models and watched the results. The whole purpose of which was to replicate the movement of magma, as it travels up the throat of the volcano and then flows as lava, once it comes out. 

NSPCC Number Day

Skills Builder

Greetings Card Challenge


The children applied all eight of their skills in this challenge. They applied leadership and teamwork to choose a theme and created a design for their greetings card. Then they applied staying positive and aiming high to create a an identical set of greetings cards and shared their work. 


Riley Class Visit to the Hayward Gallery


The children in Riley Class had a fantastic time on their trip to the Southbank in London. We were very lucky to see the exhibition of Bridget Riley's work before it closed.

It was wonderful for them to experience the culture, to see their class artist's work up close and it was an opportunity for them to think about how they could explore their own creativity. 

They saw how her work has changed throughout her lifetime, how she had started with still life and nature, progressed to lines, patterns and diagonals, and how she went on to introduce optical effects to her work.


Autumn Term 2

Gods and Mortals


Our learning this term includes finding out about the history of Greece, including completing a timeline of important dates, the origins of the Olympics and carrying out research to find out about ancient Greek gods and mythical creatures.

Moulding Greek Clay Pots

After learning about how the Greeks would paint aspects of their lives on pots, which they would use in their day to day activities, the children sketched the designs they would use on their own pots.


We studied the types of pots which the Greek people would use, before moulding our own.  

Creative Writing

The children were inspired by the mythical stories they had studied over the term to write their own mythical story. They used the skills they have built upon in their SPaG lessons to create exciting story starts and interesting sentence structure. 

Skills Builder

This term in our Skills Builder sessions, we have been concentrating on building our skills in listening, problem solving and aiming high.

The children have been focused on a project entitled Brilliant Books. In this project, they have been developing a reading reward scheme and redesigning a reading area.

In their groups, they designed the new reading areas, which culminated in presenting their work to Alatise Class.

Designing and building their reading areas

Presenting to Alatise Class

In RE, Riley Class have been thinking more deeply about the Christmas story and have thought of questions that they would like to ask Mary to gain a better understanding of how she felt, and took it in turns to 'hot seat' as Mary.

They then went on to write some very interesting diary entries (as Mary) for various parts of the Christmas Story.

In Science, Riley have been learning how we need light to be able to see.

They carried out various investigations, one of which was writing whilst looking into a mirror.

They have discovered that light bounces off smooth and shiny surfaces and back into our eyes (so that we see the object).  

Children in Need


Thank you all for helping to support all those children who need our help! 

 Kindness Week

This week, the children in Riley Class have been giving extra thought as to how they can show kindness to each other.

Riley Class made 'Happy Notes' to give to each other, their friends, their family and also to people around the school...just to try to bring a smile to their faces and make them feel warm and welcome.

The atmosphere around the school has been calm and gentle and has been a happy place to be!

 Christmas Jumper Day at Longlands!!


Friday 13th December

What fun we had, as Christmas lunch was served in the school hall. Everyone was in the festive spirit...wearing their Christmas jumpers and singing along to Christmas songs as we ate our delicious meal.


Autumn Term 1

50th Anniversary of Moon Landing

Learning this week has included some writing to celebrate the First Moon Landing 50 years ago. Team Riley worked together to write some newspaper reports, which contained lots of facts and information about this amazing event. 



Our English also included a cross-curricular link in our topic this term, Urban Pioneers. It has included creating rhyming couplets, in preparation for creating some fun RAPS next week, which they will perform to each other.



In RE, Riley Class have also been learning about why Jesus used parables in his teaching. They have retold the parable of the Good Samaritan and have considered the moral of the story (that even when we don't always agree or get along, we can still show kindness to each other).

Exciting Graffiti Art Workshop Day!


This week, Riley, Alatise and Bankcroft took part in an art graffiti workshop.

All the children were so excited and worked really hard (whilst having lots of fun, of course).

The workshop was part of their learning on urban pioneers, where they have been finding out about different forms of art, including graffiti.

They tried out their skills in blending colours and experimenting with variations in line, colour, texture and shape. 
