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Marc Year 1

                         Welcome to Marc Class


Teacher: Miss Gayson

TA: Mrs Hill 


General Information:


PE days for this half term:

Monday and Tuesday 

Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on these days. 


Please can they bring their books and reading record in everyday. 

Books are changed on a Tuesday and Thursday.




Homework is handed out on Wednesday and is due back in school on Monday. 

                      The Queen's Jubilee


The children celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee today. The children learnt lots of facts about the Queen and they watched part of her Coronation from 1953. The children made crowns by sharing lots of the crafts that they brought from home.


The children also decorated biscuits in blue and red and created their own juicy fruit kebab. We then went into the playground to start the celebration. We had our delicious picnic and then we were treated to a tasty ice cream or lolly. 

We then played some circle time games. 


The children then sang the National Anthem. 

                                          Number Day! 

It was lovely to see all of the children's amazing costumes today. We had lots of fun in the afternoon playing number and maths activities. We played bingo, which was lots of fun. Then, we had a number hunt. We had to match the equations with the numbers in the room. We also estimated how many beads would fit in the jar. We also had fun making pictures using different shapes.  

                                            Anna Hibiscus


This term, we have been reading Anna Hibiscus. We have loved reading all about Anna and her family, who live in Africa. We have created some fantastic pieces of writing from postcards to recipes. We have also created African patterns and prints in art. 

                                           Marc Class Art


We have learnt all about Franz Marc. We found out that he was a German Painter, who love painting in bright colours. He liked to change the colours of animals in his paintings for example a blue cow.

We loved creating our own Marc inspired pieces. 


                                    The Egg Box Dragon

Our first book this term was 'The Egg Box Dragon'. In the story, 'The Egg Box Dragon' is very helpful and he is able to find things for the other characters. He even finds the Queen's missing gem. 

We created our own Egg Box Dragons and then wrote instructions so that someone else could make one too. 


                                  The Queen's Tea Party


To celebrate the end of 'The Egg Box Dragon', we recreated the Queen's Tea Party. In the story, the dragon is invited to the party because he found her missing gems. The children worked hard to create their own crowns at home and so that they could look like the Princes and Princesses that the Queen invited to the party. We then made sandwiches and wraps for the party. The children enjoyed spreading the sticky jam. 

We then ate our delicious sandwiches and we played Royal Musical Statues! 
