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Monet Year 3

Welcome to Alatise Class 2018/19 !



Class Teacher: Mrs Rossiter

TA:Mrs Rimmer  1:1:Mrs Svensen




          Important Information


Spellings-weekly-sent home on Friday and the children will be tested on the following Friday.

Maths and English homework will be sent out on Friday and should be completed and returned for the following Tuesday (should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.) 

Maths and English homework will usually be related to the work covered in class and should be completed in pencil, please.

Reading Books-children may change the book whenever they wish. However, once children start a book they are expected to finish it.

Children should bring Reading Records in to school on Mondays for checking (your child may write their comment in the book after reading and parents should sign the books at least once a week.) 

PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays

(PE kit should be named and left in school). Children should have plimsoles for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor. 

Children to bring book bags in every day, please.




Which topics are we covering in

Alatise Class this year?


Autumn 1-'Potions'

Autumn 2-'Tribal Tales'

Spring 1-'Burps, Bottoms and Bile'

Spring 2-'I am Warrior'

Summer 1-'Blue Abyss'

Summer 2-'Predator'









Monet Class 2017/18

Enabling Enterprise


During Enabling Enterprise Week, Monet Class were busy learning about different medical conditions. They used the information to help them create campaigns. They worked together using their skill set to produce posters and leaflets in order to sell their campaign.  

Spring term 2

Mighty Metals


During this term we will be reading 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.


This term the children have worked really hard, particularly in their science and writing.


In science they have been learning about forces, magnetism and circuits.


They have done amazingly well with their writing. They have written some brilliant List poetry on the properties of different metals and have created some wonderful stories based on the Iron Man.

The children presented their learning to their parents and carers during a showcase. It gave them the chance to show off their successes. They were so proud!

Our trip to the Science Museum

'Excited' was definitely the emotion of the day, for LKS2 on our trip up to the London Science Museum. The children had the opportunity to walk around the museum with their adult and experience the many science exhibits. 

The children had a fabulous time at the organised interactive workshop 'Feel the Force'. They thoroughly enjoyed  the activities, which reinforced their learning on forces.

Spring Term 2

Topic-Gods and Mortals

Part of our learning this term includes Greek history and Greek myths. We are using a variety of books about Greek myths and legends and the children are currently becoming quite engrossed in our Reciprocal Reading book, 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' by Jack Riordan, which is in-keeping with our current topic.

Enabling Enterprise Day


The children had a special challenge. They were to work as a team to create the perfect vehicle for the future. One which could travel through some difficult areas.

They shared their ideas, drew up their plans and made a protocol of their perfect form of transport. 

Sports Relief Day- Friday 24th March


This year, for Comic Relief, the children took part in organised sports activities during the day.

Monet Class had a fantastic time during our Zumba session in the hall with Blake Class.

Some of the children even joined in outside for the aerobics on the playground. 

World Book Day


This year, in Mr Ferguson's special World Book Day assembly, he talked about a picture book, called Journey. He talked about how the children could use their imaginations by 'stepping through a doorway' 

(just like the character in the book), entering a world created by themselves, in their very own story.   

The children write their own 'Journey' story

The children chose resources to make wings for Icarus.

The wings (materials used) will later be tested for duration under differing temperature conditions.  

Maths and Science Week  


This week we have focused our maths learning on one particular book.

Years 3 and 4 have read the story Spaghetti and Meatballs for All by Marilyn Burns and they have been busy measuring lengths and widths of corridors and classrooms, calculating the perimeters and areas of the rooms and drawing up seating plans to seat a given number of people.

This has enabled the children to investigate and use their reasoning and number skills, whilst thoroughly enjoying themselves          (working very hard without even realising it) !  

Measuring lengths of the rooms

Calculating perimeter and area

Making volcanoes with plastic bottles (for the main vent), newspaper and glue and painting it with effective colours

Watch out for the chemical reaction...acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate!

Experimenting and investigating with icing, vinegar and baking powder

Spring term-new topic-

Misty Mountains


A very happy new year to you all !!!


Welcome back after the Christmas break

 We hope you had lots of fun and a nice rest too.


   Thank you all so much for all your generous gifts, cards and kind wishes


We are really looking forward to getting started on our new topic !!!!

It's Christmas!!

Christmas dinner/Jumper Day

Christmas Party Day!


The children had a fantastic time dancing with their friends to Christmas party music in the hall.

They munched away on party food back in the classroom and finished off watching a DVD and eating pop corn. 


1066-Autumn 2

LKS2's trip to

Rochester Castle!

Monet Class...outside the castle

Inside the cathedral the children learnt about Gundulph, a Norman monk who came to England after the conquest.

They discovered that Gundulph became Bishop of Rochester and built several castles, including Rochester, The Tower of London and the Priory and cathedral church of Rochester. 

Inside the castle

Outside the castle...the children sat and played on the motte 

Fantastic Forest School


Monet class finally found some time to go to Forest School!


What happened at Forest School?

The children had a reminder of the rules-

No picking

No licking

No running

Stay within the boundary

They built dens (somewhere they might shelter should it start raining).

We warmed ourselves up with hot chocolate and we had a biscuit too!!!


Building dens

The children had great fun!!!!

They worked really hard on their den building...lots of team effort, careful planning and some sensible positioning.

Enabling Enterprise Week-

30th October-3rd November


Brilliant Books Project!


This has been an incredibly exciting week!

Monet Class have been very busy researching reading in our school.

They have discovered that most children enjoy reading rather than watching the TV or playing on their Xbox, which is very good news, indeed!! 

The children worked together in teams to think of a scheme to try to encourage more children to read.

In their groups they designed a 'welcoming', 'inviting' book corner, to lure 'would be' readers.       

Each group learned some new skills, 'The 5 S's' (Stride, Seek, Stand still, Speak and Smile) and used their skills to present their scheme and design 'creation'to the rest of the class.



Scrumdiddlyumptious-Autumn 1


During our first week back at school we have begun our first topic!

We have discussed our favourite food. We have asked ourselves a number of questions:

Are these foods really that good for us?

What does nutritious mean?

Are our favourite foods nutritious?

Are they part of a balanced diet?

We have designed our own posters to promote healthy eating!



How can making cakes can help you with your English ?

The children made cupcakes during our DT lesson. They talked about the method,which gave them the opportunity to practise using imperative verbs, adjectives and conjunctions. This helped them when they wrote up the recipe in their English books. 

Monet and Blake's 

Football Tournament

With the help of Mrs Ward, Monet and Blake mixed together to make up a good number of teams. The teams played each other in a very exciting tournament.  
