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Monet Reception

Welcome to Monet class page!


We are team and we work together and support each other. We remember our 3 rules: 1. Be ready 2. Be respectful 3. Be safe. We made a team flag to remind us that we are all part of a special team that looks after each other.

Our PE day is a Friday and we will start after half term. Remember to come to school in your PE kit.


We will be going to Forest school on Fridays so please bring  in a named pair of wellies to keep at school.


Homework is set on a Friday on Google Classroom and is due in on the following Wednesday.


Sports Day

We are learning about minibeasts! We went to Forest School with Buttons and Fudge and found leopard slugs, woodlice, spiders, a ladybird and some beetles.

This half term we have been learning about dinosaurs and the children have been having a fabulous time pretending to be paleontologists, writing their own dinosaur books and facts about dinosaurs, learning about the continents and generally having a roaring good time.

Party time!

Santa Dash!

This week we have been focusing on the skills of listening, speaking and presenting whilst carrying out our Skills Builder challenge week called 'Going Green'. We found out about all the problems that are affecting our environment and then we thought about what we could do about them. We worked in teams to design badges and then we decided as a group which one we were going to actually make. We then learnt how to sew. It was really tricky but we didn't give up and we tried our best and they are amazing.

The children are very proud of themselves for writing these words all by themselves without any help!

During phonics lessons we have been trying really hard to write all our letters correctly!

We all went to Forest School today and we had a lovely time exploring the area and we made Autumn crowns. We found lots of acorns and oak leaves. The children have learnt that the reason the leaves change colour and fall down is because there is less sunlight.

We used special duplo bricks and made cvc words using the sounds we have already learnt!

Monet Display

We read a book called 'The Colours of Us' and talked about how we are all beautiful. We looked carefully in mirrors and drew our self portraits. We tried to choose the correct colours for our hair, skin and eyes.

We have all settled in to school really well and have been very busy. We have been learning to order numbers to 10, work together to solve problems, draw our self portraits and pictures of our families and share resources and ideas.
