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Malone Year 5

Hello and welcome to team Malone.


The children have already made such a great start to Year 5. We have spoken extensively about the rules we have to follow as children in Longlands. Also, as a new teacher to Longlands it was very refreshing to hear how aware all of the children are of their new position in school, being in upper KS2.


Please see attached 'Meet the teacher' document which outlines the expectations for Year 5 as well as key information.


What an amazing year this is going to be!


Mr. Thurston


For 'Kindness week', Malone class created some amazing cards which aimed to spread the word of kindness. We wrote some lovely messages in our cards and then posted them through people's letter boxes. The responses from our neighbours have already been amazing.


Happy Kindness Week!



This week in Malone, we created posters for science week.


Our posters followed this year's theme which was time.


Children chose a topic they are interested in and then researched their evolution through time. 


Here are a few of our posters which are now on the classroom science display.

On Tuesday 30th April, we were lucky enough to have an informative visit from the Margate RNLI. The children were instructed on the meanings of different flags and what to do in case of an emergency.
