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Year 4

Welcome to Matisse Class!


Teacher: Miss Proud smiley

TA: Mrs Thomas (Mornings only) smiley


Important information!


Literacy and Maths homework will be given out on Wednesdays and returned on Mondays. 


Times Tables and Spelling books will be given out on a Friday and returned on a Thursday.


Reading records and books are to be to and from school every day. Mrs Thomas will sign the records every Monday. Children must be reading every day, for at least 10 minutes where possible.


PE days are on Wednesdays (outdoor) and Thursdays (indoors). During term time, PE kits should be kept in school!



Stixx Machine- Chair making 23.6.17


Today we have had the fantastic opportunity to make chairs using 'Stixx' with Mrs Suèr. . These are rolled up sheets of newspaper put through a special machine to make them strong. We worked in teams and will eventually decorate a chair for our class reading area. 

Enabling Enterprise Week- Trash to Treasure! w/b 5.6.17


This week Matisse had great fun designing and building their own eco-friendly toy for Hamleys. The children were asked to bring in recyclable materials from home to build their toys with and what a fantastic job they did! There were skittles made out of bottles, a robot put together with boxes, a football pitch and even a castle complete with working drawbridge!

Throughout the week, Matisse focused on three of the EE skills, using imagination, working in a team and sharing ideas. They did a great job at developing these skills in their teams as well as learning the key concepts of business and enterprise. 


Working hard!

Cheshire Cat Walk- 25.5.17


On Thursday 25th May, years 3 and 4 put on a fantastic Mad Hatter’s fashion show and tea party for their grown ups. The children made their own sandwiches, fruit kebabs and jam tarts (luckily none of them were stolen!) which were enjoyed before the main event- the Cheshire Catwalk! They had designed their own Alice and Wonderland themed hats and showed them off in style. The children did a brilliant job and we are incredibly proud of all of them! A big thank you to the parents and carers for their fantastic support and donations.

Trip to Howletts Wild Animal Park


On Tuesday 21st March, we packed up our rucksacks and set off to Howletts Wild Animal Park. Our topic this term is called ‘Predator’ and we have been learning all about animals around the world, their habitats and diets. We had a fantastic day exploring the park, looking at gorillas, tigers, lions and even snow leopards! Lucas in Matisse said “It was the most exciting and amazing day, my favourite animals were the gorillas!” 

World Book Day! 2.3.17


Today we celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed as our favourite characters and taking part in lots of booked themed activities. We even got to work with children from Litchenstein, where we shared the story 'Under the Bed' and used our imaginations to create our own under the bed worlds. We all had a great time!

Dan the Skipping Man! 23.9.16


Today we had a visit from 'Dan the Skipping Man' and were treated to an excellent lesson which introduced us to different skipping skills! There included the 'Cross Over and 'Double Dutch'. We had a wonderful time and then watched a skipping show at the end of the day!

Double Dutch!

London Aquarium Visit! - 14.9.16
