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Monet Reception

Welcome to Monet's Class Page!

The class teacher is Mrs Allen (Assistant Head teacher).

The Higher level teaching assistant is Mrs Olstead. 

The teaching assistant on Tuesday's and Fridays is Mrs Selvey.



Homework will be set on Google Classroom on a Friday at 3.30pm and you need to bring the homework books back in by Wednesday morning.


Monet's PE day this half term is a Friday so children need to wear PE kit to school. 


Your child will bring home 2 books a week. One will be a phonics book for them to read to you and one will be a story book for you to read to them. Please encourage them to read their phonics books as much as possible over the week and remember to record in their reading record how they are getting on at least once for each phonics book they bring home.

Forest School

We will be going to Forest School every Friday from the 17th September 2021. Please bring in a pair of wellies clearly labelled with your child's name, which will be left in school.

We were fascinated by the metamorphosis that happened when our caterpillars turned into butterflies. All 10 caterpillars changed into butterflies and we wrote wishes and released them over at Forest School.

Some photos from our Jubilee party. The children thoroughly enjoyed making their own food, dancing to music from the Queen's reign, singing the national anthem and having an ice cream!

World book day fun!

The children have been learning number bonds to 10, they learnt that you can split 10 into 2 groups and they learnt how to write all the equations. They then looked at the composition of 10 and found lots of different ways of making 10 like 2+3+4+1 makes 10.

We have been very busy this week, we have created beautiful collages of night monkey and day monkey's habitats from our story, we found lots of rhyming words and we used bananas to work out number bonds to 5. We also made lots of words using our special bricks.

The children have had a wonderful week showing how kind they are! We talked about how to be kind to members of Team Monet and Team Matisse, we thought about how to be kind and say thank you to members of our school community and then our families and finally we expanded our kindness to the local area and beyond.

Look at our amazing sock puppets! The children made these independently after reading the book Sassoon which is about a patterned snake.

Here you can see pictures of the children on their first week of school. They have been busy making new friends and getting to know their new classroom and outside area.
