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Year 6

                                      Newspaper Room

Last week, as part of our Enabling Enterprise project, we created our own newspapers.

It  was an incredible week to choose to do this in!


Very quickly we got busy, as we needed to research interesting stories, make decisions as to which ones to run and then put them to paper and print. We worked really hard in our teams to create articles we felt were relevant to our audience. There were so many decisions that had to be made along the way: some by our editors and some by the sub-teams.


It was an exciting week and one in which we learnt lots about current affairs.


Everyone worked really hard and should feel really proud!


It was an exciting week and one in which we learnt lots about current affairs.


This term, we have been working on our Alien CVs. We pretended that we were each a different alien who was applying for a job to be a teacher; we had to include the things that you would need in a real CV: a professional profile, contact details, qualifications, skills and our alien's education. Some of the skills were as random as talking to rocks! We put ourselves in the shoes of the alien and imagined what they would put in their CVs- some things were really silly.

Recently, the CVs, which were made by us, have been put up on display in the classroom. The display was made by the class and includes: a life-size alien, planet Earth and obviously our CVs.

We have had so much fun creating our CVs and our display.

