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Letter regarding Minor Changes to the start of the school day

Dear Parents and Carers

I would like to inform you of some small changes to the start of the school day starting in the autumn term. This will mostly concern children who are in Key Stage 2, which have been highlighted in italics and bold. If your child is in KS2 please can you remind them of these changes to ensure a smooth start to the new term. Thank you for your co-operation.

The School Day

School day starts – 8.55am

Pupils on site BEFORE 8.40am are the responsibility of parents NOT the school staff unless previous arrangements have been made or they are attending clubs.

School is open to pupils from 8.40am when the gate is opened. A buzzer and a whistle will sound at 8.45 to signal that it is time for the children make their way to classrooms.

Foundation and KS1 pupils will be greeted by staff in the playground

KS2 pupils may make their own way to the classroom. They will enter through the pupil entrance and be greeted in the corridors by Teaching Assistants.

Any pupils arriving at school after 8.55 am need to enter school via the reception/office entrance and will be marked as late in the register.

Morning break – 10.30am – 10.45am and 10.45-11am

Lunch break –  12.00pm – 1.00pm KS2   ( EYFS and KS1 12.00pm-1.15pm)

School ends – 3.20 Reception

3.25pm KS1 and 3.30pm KS2.

Foundation and KS1 pupils must be collected from the classroom door by a parent/carer or named person who has been designated to collect the child. If changes are made to arrangements, the class teacher must be informed in advance. If changes are made at short notice, the school office MUST be contacted by phone/email otherwise your child will NOT be released from school.


KS2 pupils will be sent on to the playground for collection. If no-one is there to meet them, they should return to the class teacher who will take them to the Office for collection by parents/carers. No child is allowed to leave school premises alone unless written permission has been given.

Children become the responsibility of parents/carers once collected and should be taken off site as soon as possible, particularly to ensure the safety of pupils attending after school clubs.

Very best wishes for a good summer break.


Janice Owen. Head teacher.

