St Andrews Day
This past Tuesday everyone at Longlands, belatedly, celebrated St Andrew’s Day. As part of our promotion of British Values, we will be taking the opportunity to celebrate each of the UK’s Saint’s day in greater detail and it was great to kick things off with a fun day celebrating all things Scottish. The children learnt about the story of Saint Andrew, designed tartans to represent their school houses, partook in some traditional Scottish dancing and even created some very impressive Loch Ness monsters, with the prize for the best being awarded to Class Monet in Year 3/4. All of the fun activities were co-ordinated by Miss Foley as our staff representative for St Andrew house, and we would like to offer a big thank you to both her and to one of our Year 1 parent, Mrs Suer, for taking the time to come in and talk to the children about other Scottish traditions. After Andy Murray's impressive Davis Cup Win, some of the children also took part in tennis in the playground with Mrs Ellis (see picture).